Patricia - my suggestion did envision you creating your own version of the survey in Word and making the font size as large as needed for printing. I don't think there is a way to easily enlarge the font using images from the PDF. Sorry for not being clear on that.
Also, don't forget if using the online version of the survey, this gives you an excuse to show workshop participants how to use the zoom feature in their browser to make the text larger!
Katina Jones
PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
American Library Association
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 06, 2023 10:31 AM
From: Patricia Ball
Subject: Materials to accommodate seniors
Okay thanks I will play around with it....I did try cutting and pasting but will try again. Thanks
Patricia Ball
Cobb County Public Library
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 31, 2023 10:38 AM
From: Katina Jones
Subject: Materials to accommodate seniors
Hi Patricia,
Regarding Project Outcome surveys: if you are providing paper copies to workshop participants that you are then later entering into the Project Outcome platform, those paper surveys can look however works best for your workshop participants. As long as the questions are the same, you can change the font size or make other adjustments to fit the needs of your participants.
I hope that helps!
Katina Jones
PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
American Library Association
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 31, 2023 10:24 AM
From: Patricia Ball
Subject: Materials to accommodate seniors
Hi Mary
For Surveys and some other materials have you considered making them larger for seniors. Some of my seniors fill out the surveys not all . My observation they need to be larger.
Patricia Ball
Cobb County Public Library