Social Work Interest Group

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last person joined: 2 months ago 

This community is for anyone interested in learning more about social work in public libraries. The PLA Social Worker Task Force will use this space to discuss issues facing public libraries, provide a space to connect with others, generate and share best practices and resources.
  • 1.  Narcan Storage

    Posted Apr 12, 2019 11:41 AM
    Good afternoon,
    The DC Public Library is looking at starting to carry Narcan at some of our branches. I'm looking for information on how/where you store Narcan at the branch so that individuals who are trained to use it can access it when needed.

    Are individuals who are trained carrying it with them when they are working?
    Is it stored in a locked cabinet at the circ desk? Who has the key?

    Would love any information you can share.

    Jean Badalamenti
    Health and Human Services Assistant Manager
    Service Design and Engagement
    DC Public Library

  • 2.  RE: Narcan Storage

    Posted Apr 15, 2019 08:12 AM

    At my former district and at my current library, the Narcan was/is kept with the First Aid supplies. We have First Aid on all three floors of my current building, each equipped with Narcan.

    The training is incredibly easy. I would highly recommend all staff be trained.

    Good luck!


    Steph Myers, MLIS

    Library Supervisor

    Duluth Public Library

    520 W Superior Street

    Duluth, MN 55802


    Description: Signature-Email-Logo


  • 3.  RE: Narcan Storage

    Posted Apr 15, 2019 10:31 AM
    I informed Jean of this, but for others:

    Extra Narcan is kept in our Security Dispatch office. 
    The people who carry Narcan on their person all day are our security staff, social workers, and peer navigators.
    At our Central location, we also have Narcan at a few service points (we have 7 floors so we try to distribute it widely).
    At our branches we have Narcan at each service desk. 

    It is never locked up.   

    With this said, I like the idea of it being connected to the First Aid/AED kits. 

    And a quick note to the importance of this: in 2 years we've reversed 25 overdoses at our Central location with Narcan. 


    Elissa Hardy, LCSW
    Community Resource Manager
    Denver Public Library
    10 W. 14th Avenue Parkway
    Denver, Colorado 80204-2731
    she, her, hers

    "The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." ~Maya Angelou