Join us for the 11th National Conference of African American Librarians featuring Michael Eric Dyson, Jason Reynolds, Nikki Giovanni, Terry McMillan, Carla Hayden, Wole Soyinka, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Tony Zanders, Sharon M. Draper and Zakiya Dalila Harris.
Student Discount Registration.
This year we are going virtual from July 28 through August 1, 2021. View the schedule and register today! Also, join us on July 27 for special SLJ Pre-Conference sessions.
If you are a BCALA member, check your email for a discount code. #NCAALXI #NCAAL #BCALA #ALA #NALco #Tulsa #BlackWallStreet #librarian #BIPOClibrarians
Suanne Wymer
Youth Services Manager
Tulsa City-County Library