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Morgan Brickey-Jones

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Morgan Brickey-Jones

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Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Jun 04, 2024 09:48 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I have been a librarian (public and academic) for 13 lucky years now, and I think I have a few pieces of advice for new grads. 1.) Enter the field with an open mind towards your eventual "forever" path. When I graduated from library school, I started in a grant-funded position at the State Library ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Apr 16, 2024 08:40 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Thanks De'Ivyion! Congratulations to you as well & I'm excited to work with you! ------------------------------ Morgan Brickey-Jones Director of Community Engagement University of Texas At Arlington She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Nov 02, 2023 02:05 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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What a great topic! Conferences can seem intimidating and it can be hard to know where to start- especially if you are by yourself, or only a few of you are coming from your library. When pre-planning what sessions to go to be realistic! It can be hard to attend two sessions concurrently (are they ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Oct 18, 2022 11:26 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hi Juliana, Congrats on your graduation and school library job! What an exciting time, and I'm so happy that you've also joined NMRT! I hope all is well and please don't hesitate to reach out and ask members for advice or support! Thanks, Morgan ------------------------------ Morgan Brickey-Jones ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Oct 05, 2022 05:00 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I think that Emily's suggestion of Twitter (for those that use the platform) is great! I see librarians engaging on Twitter frequently. I'm more of an observer on Twitter- it's never been my platform of choice. Any time I've found success with networking, I've been a member of a book committee. I was ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Feb 25, 2022 12:31 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I started a new job at the tail end of last year (went from a public library to an academic library) and my job is centered around K-12 groups and giving them increased access/ opportunity with academic libraries. I have a budget to increase our tech (STEAM focused) to make these trips not tour-centric ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Jan 06, 2022 09:03 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I think that there are different "levels" of networking- there is local networking, within your library system/cohort, and within your community. For example, outreach and connection with local schools was a large part of my previous job (with a public library as a children's librarian) and that work ...
Posted By Morgan Brickey-Jones Dec 08, 2021 06:45 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Imposter syndrome can be really hard to identify and then rectify. I recently started a new job in a different part of the field (public to academic library) and it's hard to know if I truly am not understanding the assignment or if I am doing well. I spent a decent amount of time in public libraries ...