MAGIRT (Map and Geospatial Information Round Table ) Round Table

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last person joined: 3 days ago 

  • Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map and geography collections
  • Provides a forum to increase the availability, use, and bibliographic control of map and geography collections
  • Increases communication and cooperation between map and geography librarians and other librarians
  • Contributes to the improvement of education and training of map and geography librarians.

Learn more about MAGIRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Updated: Agenda for 6/25

    Posted Jun 25, 2023 04:18 PM

    MAGIRT Board Meeting Agenda-Minutes 2023-06-25_ALA-Annual.docx

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    MAGIRT Board Meeting Agenda-Minutes 2023-06-25_ALA-Annual.docx
    Agenda MAGIRT Executive Board and Membership Meeting ALA Annual Conference 2023 - Chicago Sunday, June 25, 2023 Time: 2023-06-25, 4:00-5:30 PM Central Time Present: see sign in sheet Regrets: Call to order - 4:05 pm Central Call for changes to Agenda Secretary--Minutes from past meeting check b...
    View this on Google Docs >


    Amy Swanson
    Rare Books Catalog Librarian
    Baylor University