ALA’s Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) presents. . .
Maps the RDA Way: Come catalog a map with us!
RDA has arrived! So have changes large and small from AACR2. However, you need not fear!
Experienced map catalogers and long-time MAGIRT members Paige Andrew and Susan Moore are prepared to assist those catalogers wanting to (or just plain needing to!) learn about RDA-based changes to cataloging cartographic materials. Participants will create brief records for two maps using an RDA work form. You will receive a freeNational Geographic Costa Rica Adventure Map and a color copy of a CIA map. You will be guided through the descriptive process, and leave having cataloged two maps!
Day & Time: Saturday, June 29th, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Place: InterContinental Chicago - 505 N. Michigan Ave.
Room:Seville East (INTER-Seville East)
Co-Presenters: Paige G. Andrew - Maps Cataloging Librarian, Pennsylvania State University
Susan Moore - Cataloging Librarian/Bibliographer, University of Northern Iowa
For more information about the program and related resources, visit MAGIRT’s new Map and Geospatial Resources Guide at!