MAGIRT (Map and Geospatial Information Round Table ) Round Table

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  • Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map and geography collections
  • Provides a forum to increase the availability, use, and bibliographic control of map and geography collections
  • Increases communication and cooperation between map and geography librarians and other librarians
  • Contributes to the improvement of education and training of map and geography librarians.

Learn more about MAGIRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  MAGERT's name

    Posted Feb 19, 2010 03:12 PM

    At midwinter in Boston, the Bylaws Committee discussed whether MAGERT should refresh its name to better reflect what we are about, and they suggested "Map and Geospatial Resources Round Table."  This is a slight, but meaningful change.  It creates a larger sense of the materials that we deal with and expresses the growing data part of many of our collections.   The Board did not want to change our Acronym (two R's would look like a typo and would be difficult to pronounce!) I would like to hear from you.  I would like discussion (via ALA Connect!) prior to a vote, so that everyone can make their opinions known. 


    Kathy Weimer

    Chair, MAGERT

  • 2.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 01, 2010 04:08 PM

    I think it is important to keep GEOGRAPHY in the name.  I also understand and would support adding Geospatial to the name.

  • 3.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 02, 2010 09:46 AM

    Geography is the discipline that our patrons are engaged in.  Geospatial is a pleonasm invented by bureaucrats that does not represent our profession.  Keep GEOGRAPHY.

  • 4.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 05, 2010 12:20 PM

    I feel rather strongly that the name needs to be updated.  While maps and geography are important subject areas, they simply no longer capture what MAGERT has been doing.  And if they are intended to be reflective of MAGERT, then we probably should consider if GIS and geographic technologies should be directed elsewhere within the ALA organization.  I know it sounds dramatic, but geography doesn't equate at all for me as GIS.  Whether it's geospatial, geographic technologies, geotech, or whatever, I think it's gotta be something - especially given the GIS programs, discussions, discussion groups, programming and directions of MAGERT more recently!

  • 5.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 31, 2010 12:21 PM

    I have to agree with several of the comments. As a human geographer, I have a problem when folks forget the Geography (geographic) reference in GIS and are only concerned with processing data and not its application to knowledge. Maps are indeed only pieces of data, and it is in their application to problem solving we find the study of Geography. In this case, I would advocate for keeping geography somewhere. On the other hand, I acknowledge that as a tool, and a methodology GIS has become important not just to our constituencies in libraries but to us as providers/experts of the tool/ methodology. Unfortunately, I do not have a creative solution to this dilemma. Perhaps if we included Geographic Information... Map and Geographic Information Science Round Table??

  • 6.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 31, 2010 01:44 PM

    Isn't geography inherent to varying degrees in both maps & GIS?  When MAGERT came into existence 30 years ago few people had even heard of the Internet, let alone GIS; these days we devote a substantial portion of our meetings to GIS-related topics and our program at Annual 2010 is entitled "GIS in EVERY Library:  Making It Happen".  I think it's important that our name reflects what MAGERT is and does TODAY, namely advocating for maps and GIS in libraries.  While it may be pandering to the masses or simply semantics, the bottom line is that in 2010 the term "geography" doesn't attract nearly as much attention with librarians or administrators as does "GIS" or "geospatial".  So I say let's call ourselves the Map and Geospatial Resources Round Table or the Map and GIS Round Table - we're overdue for a name change.

    Hallie Pritchett
    Map and Federal Regional Depository Librarian
    University of Georgia

  • 7.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Mar 31, 2010 02:31 PM

    I joined MAGERT nearly 20 years ago. The "Map" in MAGERT coincided with part of my job title and I found MAGERT activities relevant to my work.

    To remain viable, MAGERT needs to attract and retain members.  Rather than tweaking the name a bit, consider what topics are bringing in new members and see if they can be incorporated into a name that sounds good.  "LLAMA" finally added the second L to their name after years of misspellings.  I don't believe that most people renew ALA memberships based on the name of the group but whether the activities of the group are relevant to their professional work.

    I am very glad that Kathy Weimer put this out for members to discuss.  If members can agree on a better name, the round table may be able to attract new members while retaining current ones.

    John A. Stevenson
    Coordinator, Government Documents and Maps Processing Unit
    University of Delaware Library

  • 8.  RE: MAGERT's name

    Posted Apr 01, 2010 09:03 AM

    Thanks John.  I believe that MAGERT is not owned by the Chair, nor by the Board, but by all the Members and ALA Connect is an excellent way for all members to have a voice, especially with the name (i.e. identity) of the group.  My goal as Chair this year is to increase visibility and we have accomplished this via partnering with other ALA groups for our programs, creating a new logo, celebrating our Anniversary this summer and now, considering a revised name of our group.  In addition, we submitted an Emerging Leaders project focused on marketing for MAGERT, and I am mentoring that group.