MAGIRT (Map and Geospatial Information Round Table ) Round Table

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  • Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map and geography collections
  • Provides a forum to increase the availability, use, and bibliographic control of map and geography collections
  • Increases communication and cooperation between map and geography librarians and other librarians
  • Contributes to the improvement of education and training of map and geography librarians.

Learn more about MAGIRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  New to MAGIRT

    Posted Jun 22, 2015 02:29 PM

    Greetings from Boise, Idaho! I co-publish the Idaho Public Libraries stats, make awesome info-graphs, and best of all I am the Idaho Commission for Libraries GIS agency representative. I've made maps for library programs and to identify library districts. I'm so excited ALA has this MAGIRT opportunity. I am active on Twitter and want to help get MAGIRT out there! Let me know how to help!

  • 2.  RE: New to MAGIRT

    Posted Jun 22, 2015 03:00 PM
    Hello Baxter!

    Welcome to MAGIRT! It sounds like you a range of talents that will connect with many of our members, so I'm pleased that you have joined us and are willing to pitch in! I also found it ironic that our last names are almost identical 

    Are you traveling this week to attend ALA Annual? I sure hope so! And if you are, please do introduce yourself to not only me but all MAGIRT members you run into as you attend some/all of our meetings and programs and functions. Notably, if you have not done so already but plan on attending our Honors Award dinner on Friday night please immediately get in touch with Vice Chair Beth Cox at:

    as she needs numbers and wants to share specific travel information with attendees (via BART and then also between the closest BART station and where we will be. 

    I am hopping a plane to SF tomorrow myself so probably will be out of touch for a couple of days while I focus on teaching a map cataloging workshop in Davis but hoping you will be attending Annual so I/we can meet you in person and get to know you better. If you're not attending no worries, we STILL will meet you and get to know you better, only via things like email!

    Thanks again for dropping a note to us via ALA Connect. A better alternative is, now that you are a member, to use MAGIRT's own email list, which is:

    And feel free to contact me directly at the copied email address with this reply.


    Paige Andrew
    Chair, MAGIRT
    and Maps Cataloging Librarian
    Penn State University

    From: "ALA Connect" <>
    To: "Paige Andrew" <>
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 4:40:20 PM
    Subject: [ALA Connect] MAGIRT (Map and Geospatial Information Round Table ) - New to MAGIRT (new)

  • 3.  RE: New to MAGIRT

    Posted Jun 22, 2015 03:04 PM

    Just sent you a note back through Connect, hope you get it! I filled it with several pieces of useful info. In the meantime, are you attending the upcoming annual conference in SF? If so, I look forward to meeting you in person soon! If not, we will connect, I promise, and myself and others will work with you on becoming active in MAGIRT. We do have a twitter feed, its overseen by our Online Presence Committee, the chair of that group is Jessica Clemons at Syracuse,, feel free to reach out to her directly if you'd like to assist with our PR work, we could use you! 

    I'm winging it to SF myself tomorrow (the 23rd) so will be out of touch for a couple of days. Hopefully I will see you soon!


    Paige Andrew

    Chair, MAGIRT