LRRT (Library Research Round Table)

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The mission of the Library Research Round Table (LRRT) is to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research; to provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings; to inform and educate ALA members concerning research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information with which to reach administrative decisions and solve problems; and expand the theoretical base of the field. LRRT also, serves as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science.

Learn more about LRRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  LRRT Chair's Report

    Posted Aug 09, 2022 12:10 PM

    Greetings, LRRT Members. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing summer.  

    This is my last message as chair of the Library Research Round Table (LRRT). I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the opportunity to serve the Round Table in this capacity. Over the last year, LRRT has hosted six research webinars, several of which were presented by LIS scholars of color. The Round Table also hosted a candidates' forum for the 2022 ALA Presidential election. The LRRT Research Forum returned to the 2022 ALA Annual Conference with three presentations and recognition of this year's recipients of the Jesse H. Shera Awards for Distinguished Published Research and Support of Dissertation Research. Karen Harker (Member-at-Large), working with a small team of members, has revitalized the mentorship program.

    Several members were instrumental in completing this work. Thank you to the Shera Award Committee Co-Chairs Kabel N. Stanwicks and Dr. Yin Zhang and to Dr. Bertha Abby Adeniji and Dr. Keren Dali who led the Research Forums Committee. Gina Costello continues to lead the Membership and Communications Committee (volunteers are welcome). The Round Table Steering Committee has been generous with its time and steadfast in its commitment to library research. Danielle Ponton works tirelessly and graciously behind the scenes as our ALA Staff Liaison.

    I am delighted to welcome Dr. Karen Kaufmann as our next chair. I look forward to working with her as a past chair. As past chair, I will continue to represent LRRT on the Round Table Coordinating Assembly (RTCA). Two remaining items that I will work on include an update of the Round Table bylaws and the dues standardization project (more information to come).

    I also want to welcome Devin Savage (chair-elect) and Dr. Amanda Folk (member-at-large), newly elected members of the Steering Committee.

    Thank you for your support of the Library Research Round Table. It has been a pleasure to serve as chair.


    Africa S. Hands, PhD

    Past-Chair, Library Research Round Table




    Africa Hands
    Assistant Professor
    East Carolina University