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Please join us virtually on Wednesday, January 31 from 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern for The Critical Race Theory collective: Community Matters! A virtual panel discussion sponsored by The Ohio State University Libraries IDEAS Committee and the Association for Library and Information Science Education's (ALISE) Innovative Pedagogies Special Interest Group. To register for this event, please click here. (Note: You will receive the Zoom information for the panel after you complete the registration form.)
The Critical Race Theory collective (CRTc) began forming in early spring of 2021 as simply an editorial team that has evolved to now exist as a community of international, interdisciplinary, and intersectional scholar-activists who are committed to cultivating knowledge and information across borders. In turn, they ground their work in the tenets and tools of CRT. The collective's editorial work includes a Critical Race Theory Special Issue for the international peer-reviewed journal Education for Information (EFI), released in December 2022 (38:4). The CRTc currently has a Call for Papers for a second special issue in EFI: Resistant Knowledges: unmasking coloniality through the re-search of local to global communities. The Resistant Knowledges call is grounded in Derrick Bell's (classic) CRT premise of Racial Realism (1992, p.373-74).
Beyond their scholarly work, the CRTc also has a suite of media content consisting of a Blog The Bell Ringer, their podcast The Organic Intellectuals (TOI), a YouTube Channel – CRTc Tv, and a publicly shared CRTc Zotero library.
In this one hour presentation, members of the CRTc's regional communities discuss why they joined the collective, the importance of the CRTc's work, and upcoming plans to implement additional infrastructure and content using an Entrepreneurial Spirit and Community Building approach.
Additional information about this event, including panelist bios, can be found by clicking on this link.
Amanda Folk
Head, Department of Teaching and Learning
The Ohio State University