Hello fellow LRRT members,
I had hoped to have my full report from ALA Annual for you before I wrote to the membership, but I am still waiting on the release of documents to confirm vote tally records for something I missed (I had to step away from the floor for a moment directly after casting my vote.)
However, there is a pressing matter at hand that I wanted to make you all aware of.
ALA President, Lessa Pelayo-Lozada, has called for a special Council Meeting. The ALA Council will meet virtually on Friday, August 26th at 12-1pm Central time.
Per ALA Parliamentarian, Adrian Stratton, the purpose of this special meeting is to satisfy a procedural step to rescind the American Library Association Constitution. In accordance with Constitution Article XII (Amendments), Section 1, two (2) votes of the Council followed by a ratification by the ALA membership is necessary to amend the constitution. In my opinion, this meeting fulfills the requirements of this section in support of the approved direction by Council during the Annual Conference meeting. Rescinding a document is a form of amendment so it is appropriate to follow this process in parallel to the process to revise the bylaws.
The approved direction by council referenced is the vote to rescind the ALA Constitution and amend the bylaws. Our Constitution and Bylaws overlap significantly, and rescinding the Constitution in favor of the Bylaws (which will be amended to include anything that didn't already overlap, as well as any and all changes that get approved in our current reevaluation of governance) is considered best practice for associations of our size and scope. For more information on that motion, see this link: Constitution & Bylaws Committee Report to Council.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Jennifer Joe
Undergraduate Engagement Librarian
University of Toledo