Please find attached the minutes from the ALA LITA Instructional Technologies IG meeting #ALAAC2017. ALA2017 LITA InstructionalTech IG minutes.docx #Minutes
ALA2017 LITA InstructionalTech IG minutes.docx
Brief minutes attached. Thanks to those who stopped by or expressed interest :) 2016ALALITA Instructional Technologies IGminutes.pdf #Minutes
2016ALALITA Instructional Technologies IGminutes.pdf
LITA-Agenda June-28.docx #Minutes
Hi! As Nicole mentioned, there were two sessions. Erica's minutes (page 4 of PDF) from TCC 303 have been combined with mine from CCC 303. Links have been added to the minutes -- I hope that is helpful. Thanks so much for attending the sessions! ~ Lilly ...