Mobile Computing Interest Group LITA

LITA Mobile Computing IG meeting Report at ALA12

  • 1.  LITA Mobile Computing IG meeting Report at ALA12

    Posted Jul 09, 2012 10:00 AM
    Edited by System Apr 06, 2018 02:21 PM

    Hi all,

    I am sharing the MCIG meeting report with you. This will be submitted to LITA.
    It has been pleasure serving as the chiar of MCIG for the last two years!
    Big thanks to Kevin, Evviva, and Vincci who volunteered to serve as the new MCIG co-chiars and vice-chair!



    LITA Mobile Computing IG meeting Report at ALA12

    Attendees: 21 people (The list has been emailed to Melissa Prentice)

    The MCIG had a successful meeting discussing the trends in the library mobile technology with 4 short presentations.

    The list of presentation topics, speakers, and presentation slides for the MCIG meeting at ALA 2012 are available at:

    Bohyun Kim is stepping down as the chair of LITA MCIG.
    The new MCIG leadership is:

    • Kevin Lau, Evviva Weinraub  (Co-chair)
    • Vincci Lui (Vice-chiar)