It's not anywhere close to new technology, but the intro to reference class I'm teaching this semester is learning to frame its pathfinders within LibGuides/CampusGuides rather than a traditional paper pathfinder. It's my hope that a greater range of content can be provided, and that we can more easily reach users who don't come to a B&M library. My students are pretty enthusiastic, and those already working as librarians are already planning on how they can introduce it to their libraries.
Given our budget situation, I'm doubting we can do anything with web-scale discovery at the public library level, although we are working on getting iPads in place for roving reference -- provided we can get our ref folks to get out from behind the desk for extended periods.
I'm pushing Pinterest as a potential small-business tool. There is a movement to teach some Etsy, but I feel Etsy has lost so much credibility that we're better off looking into other technologies. I've heard of some artists who are using Pinterest as a showroom.
Interested to hear your thoughts on how web-scale discovery affects critical thinking. Are you really feeling that one-stop shopping is going to make a really positive difference there?