ALA LITA Instructional Technologies IG Meeting
The LITA Instructional Technologies Interest Group explores emerging technologies for library instruction, shares ideas and best practices.
Scheduler info: LITA All Committees Meeting
Date and Time: Saturday, June 25 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: HYATT Regency Orlando, Room Regency Ballroom V
Scheduler URL:
- Agenda, about group, and welcome from Chair: Lilly Ramin -- @lillylibrarian
- Introducing: Greg Hardin -- @ghardin
- Update on renewal signatures (done)
- In-person events: Annual Conference
- Ideas? Preferences?
- Virtual
- Meeting/presentation?
- Any volunteers who are group members to contribute content?
- Listserv
- ALA group profile site
- ALA Connect site:
Topic ideas but subject to change based on attendee interest : )
- Web conference tools?
- Educational Apps?
- Professional Development sources for teaching with technology?
(Websites, Blogs, conferences, Librarians or groups on Social Media)
- Other tools used for instruction, online or face to face using technology?
- Challenges, trouble-shooting, tips, and best practice
- Other experiences from your library?
Thank you for your support & have a great conference!