LHRT (Library History Round Table)

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last person joined: 21 hours ago 

The mission of the Library History Round Table (LHRT) is to encourage research and publication on library history and promote awareness and discussion of historical issues in librarianship.

Learn more about LHRT on the ALA website.

It's Time to Volunteer for LHRT!

  • 1.  It's Time to Volunteer for LHRT!

    Posted Sep 13, 2022 01:33 PM
    Hi, LHRTers,
    It's time to volunteer for LHRT! Use this link to navigate to the Committee Volunteer Form. You'll be prompted to log in using your ALA credentials. From the drop-down menu of your ALA memberships, be sure to choose LHRT.
    Need a refresher on what each committee does? want to learn about the new committee opportunities, including our DEI Statement and Action Plan Committee, or our two new service award committees? You can browse these slides from August's Volunteer for LHRT! sessions.
    As always, feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.
    Hope to see your names!

    Emily Spunaugle
    Humanities and Rare Books Librarian
    Oakland University