LHRT (Library History Round Table)

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Library Company of Philadelphia Annual Dinner Nov 7th deadline*-Union League of Philadelphia

  • 1.  Library Company of Philadelphia Annual Dinner Nov 7th deadline*-Union League of Philadelphia

    Posted Nov 05, 2011 12:44 PM


    Sharing for all who may be interested -
    I visited the beautiful historic Union League of Philadelphia
     in June 2010 during the ACRL RBMS Pre-Conference week, and I highly recommend visiting and/or participating in the LCP Annual Dinner / Best, Karen W.

    Library Company of Philadelphia - Founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1731
    Library Company of Philadelphia Annual Dinner
    The Board of Trustees and the Director invite you to attend
    The Library Company of Philadelphia's 280th Annual Dinner

    Tuesday, November 15th

    Reception at 5:30 pm, The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1314 Locust St.
    Dinner at 7:00 pm, The Union League of Philadelphia, 140 South Broad St.
    This year featuring David S. Reynolds author of Mightier Than the Sword:
    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and the Battle for America

    The cost of the dinner is $100 per person.
    RSVP by November 7th

    In addition, we welcome you to join the Board of Trustees in
    supporting this year's event by participating at either the Librarian
    ($350) or Conservator ($250) level.  All sponsors will receive a copy
    of Mr. Reynolds' book (inscribed by the author) and Librarians will
    receive a complimentary one-year Friend membership in the Library
    Company for a friend or family member of their choice. In this way you
    will be helping to widen our circle of friends at the same time that
    you provide valuable underwriting for this major event!  Please
    respond by November 7th to ensure your listing on our Annual Dinner
    About Our Speaker
    DAVID S. REYNOLDS is Distinguished Professor of English and American
    Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His
    most recent book, Mightier than the Sword: "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and the
    Battle for America, is a fascinating look at the cultural roots,
    political impact, and enduring legacy of Harriet Beecher Stowe's
    revolutionary bestseller. In a fitting tribute on the 200th
    anniversary of Stowe's birth (and in this year of the Civil War
    Sesquicentennial), Reynolds reveals the book's impact not only on the
    abolitionist movement and the American Civil War, but also on the
    wider world stage, where it even contributed to the end of serfdom in
    Russia. He demonstrates how the book has fueled lasting conflicts over
    the very meaning of America. David Reynolds' previous books include
    John Brown, Abolitionist; Walt Whitman's America; and Beneath the
    American Renaissance. He is a winner of the Bancroft Prize, the
    Ambassador Book Award, and the Christian Gauss Award, and a finalist
    for the National Book Critics Circle Award.
    Karen Weaver, MLS Electronic Resources Statistician Collection Management
    Duquesne University, Gumberg Library Pittsburgh PA email: weaverk@duq.edu
    Gmail (preferred) : melvil4u@gmail.com

    --Member, ALA LHRT Membership & Outreach Committee (MOC)