Sharing an upcoming program for all who may be interested in the Cleveland Ohio area & to all interested in natural history and botanical garden library collections please visit their library website for more information. Thank you
Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Eleanor Squire Library Rare Book Program: Victorian Gardens
Saturday, November 5
2:00 - 3:00 pm
$3/member; $11/nonmember
Rare book cataloguer Mary Burns presents a sampling of beautifully
illustrated rare Victorian botanical books in the Garden’s rare book
Discounted parking included. Please register in advance online or by
calling 216.721.1600 x100.
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2011; 2:00-3:00pm
Adult Member Price: $3
Adult Non-Member Price: $11
Cleveland Botanical Garden (University Circle-across from Cleveland Museum of Art)
11030 East Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
posted by Karen Weaver, MLS, Electronic Resources Statistician, Collection Management, Duquesne University, Gumberg Library, Pittsburgh PA email: / --on behalf of ALA Library History Round Table LHRT Membership & Outreach Committee (MOC) please share with all interested