LHRT (Library History Round Table)

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The mission of the Library History Round Table (LHRT) is to encourage research and publication on library history and promote awareness and discussion of historical issues in librarianship.

Learn more about LHRT on the ALA website.

CFP: 2/29*-UNESCO Memory of the World in Digital Age: Digitization & Preservation International Conference-Vancouver BC Canada

  • 1.  CFP: 2/29*-UNESCO Memory of the World in Digital Age: Digitization & Preservation International Conference-Vancouver BC Canada

    Posted Feb 25, 2012 01:07 PM


    Please excuse any duplication  & Please share with all who may be interested !
    Your abstracts are encouraged & welcomed - we hope to see you in Vancouver

    Sharing this announcement to all  via Dr Luciana Duranti of SLAIS, University of British Columbia Canada  --- this looks like a wonderful conference next fall  please share with your colleagues & all interested  --thx, Karen W
    Deadline for Abstracts is February 29th --next week 

     Please submit abstracts for the 20th Anniversary UNESCO Memory of the World Program taking place next September 2012 in Vancouver BC


    On the occasion of the 

    20th anniversary of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program, 

    UNESCO, in collaboration with the School of Library, Archival and
    Information Studies and the University Library of the University of British
    Columbia, and in partnership with ICA, IFLA, IASA, ICOM, WIPO, Google,
    MIcrosoft and others, is holding an international conference on

     "The Memory of the World in the Digital Age:
     Digitization and Preservation

    on September 26-28, 2012 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 
    You can find the
    Call for Papers at http://www.slais.ubc.ca/news/ MOW2012CallForPapers.pdf
    The deadline for abstracts submission is February 29, 2012.

     Additional information about this event can be found here:
    http://www.unesco.org/new/en/ communication-and-information/ events/calendar-of -events/events-websites/the- memory-of-the-world-in-the- digital-age-digitization-and-preservation/  




    Karen Weaver, MLS
    Electronic Resources Statistician
    Collection Management
    Duquesne University, Gumberg Library
    Pittsburgh PA 15282
    Email: weaverk@duq.edu">weaverk@duq.edu / Gmail: (preferred) melvil4u@gmail.com">melvil4u@gmail.com

    Member, ALA LHRT Library History Round Table, Membership & Outreach Committee
    Member, ALA COSWL Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship
    Member, ALISE Association for Library & Information Science Education,
    Membership Advisory Committee