Please excuse any duplication
For anyone interested - I have just created a NEW OPEN communityon ALA Connect - please help spread the word & encourage others to participate on gender & diversity issues in library history today
you do not need to be an ALA member to participate but everyone does need to register and set up with ALA Connect to post etc
Thanks all .....Karen W
Open Group Library History Reform - Gender & Diversity Issues Now Community
1 member | About this group
The Open Group for Library History Reform is a new OPEN ALA Connectcommunity for discussion of concerns and suggestions for improvingadvocacy within ALA and our communities for addressing LibraryHistory Reform in terms of gender and diversity issues.
ALA conference committees and round tables -- are they doing enoughfor library history?
ALA conference meetings and presentations -- are they doing enough forgender & diversity in terms of programs, services, research andpublications about our library history of the past & the future?
Who is telling the story of library history ? Are gender & diversity reflected enough ?
What about civic engagement and library history ? Is it being told accurately enough ?
Who gets to decide for the ALA and larger library community what the history is and will be?
Are ALA committees reflecting gender & diversity enough ? Do peopleeven know who tells the library history "story" these days ? Also, how important is Library History to You ?
Please add your thoughts in this Open Group on Gender & Diversity in Library History
Also, what would you like to see more of from current ALA libraryhistory programming etc ?
Thank you,
Karen Weaver MLS
Member, ALA COSWL Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship
Member, ALISE Association for Library & Information Science Education, Membership Advisory Committee
Member, ALA LHRT Library History Round Table
Digital Projects Assistant/Library Systems
Duquesne University, Gumberg Library
Pittsburgh PA 15282 / email: /