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Printing Press & Latino Identity-Nov 12th Chicago Humanities Fest

  • 1.  Printing Press & Latino Identity-Nov 12th Chicago Humanities Fest

    Posted Nov 08, 2011 09:09 AM

    Via Twitter earlier today --@Chi_Humanities / kw


    Chicago Humanities Festival



    703: Sat, Nov. 12 12:00 - 1:00 PM

    General Admission: $5.00
    Teachers and Students: FREE

    Poetry Foundation
    61 West Superior Street
    Chicago, IL 60610

    "How can technology help create a culture? University of Chicago professor Raul
    Coronado is answering this question through his study of Latino identity in the
    United States. In May 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and deposed the
    Spanish king. Overnight, the Hispanic world, comprising the Spanish peninsula,
    Spanish America, and the Philippines, was transformed forever. Hispanics turned
    to the rapidity and reach of the press, using it to advocate for their visions
    of a new modern world, to create a public sphere, and to contest racialization.
    Coronado draws on pertinent examples to tell a story of the historical accidents
    and reversals that led Spanish-Americans to imagine themselves not as sovereigns
    of new Hispanic nations but as members of a far-flung culture united by modern
    communication. In this program, Coronado will focus on the genesis of this
    identity—the 1850s and the rise of Spanish-language newspapers."


    Raul Coronado's teaching and research interests are in Latina/o literary and
    cultural history, from the colonial period to the 1940s, with an emphasis on
    rethinking the literature of the Americas in a transnational, hemispheric
    framework. His teaching focuses on the historical specificities of the
    U.S.-Mexico border, while simultaneously providing new insights into the
    literary and cultural legacies of modernity and colonialism in the Americas.
    Coronado earned his Ph.D. at Stanford University in 2004.

    This program is presented in partnership with the Poetry Foundation.

    Arte Y Vida Chicago is the media sponsor for this event.


    Karen Weaver, MLS, Electronic Resources Statistician, Collection Management, Duquesne University, Gumberg Library, Pittsburgh PA email: weaverk@duq.edu / Gmail: melvil4u@gmail.com

    --Member, ALA Library History Round Table (LHRT) Membership & Outreach Committee (MOC)