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Mr. Patrick Hoecherl

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Patrick Hoecherl

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Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jul 13, 2021 10:37 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Thanks Kayla! ------------------------------ Patrick Hoecherl Staff Development Coordinator Salt Lake City Public Library ------------------------------
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jul 12, 2021 04:39 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Hi LearnRT, My department is reorganizing and I'm curious about what job titles those of you who have a training or staff development focus have. I'd also love to hear what department you are in. For anyone else that finds this useful, my job title is Staff Development Coordinator. I was formerly ...
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Aug 12, 2020 03:56 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Sort of along the lines of Cheryl's suggestion, I used a google form survey in the middle of the training. In the in-person version I give people colored dot stickers to mark what part of the strategic plan :resonates most with them,  surprises them; what parts they think: the library already does a ...
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Feb 13, 2020 03:35 PM
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Hi Kim, My library has a monthly program for LGBTQ+ teens (called Alphabet Soup) and we have many younger teens who participate. I asked our librarians who coordinate the program if they had any resources they would recommend and here is the response I received from one of them: A good portion ...
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jan 27, 2020 03:43 PM
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Kim, Yes please do connect me with the folks at your library who ran the leadership academy. It would be great to see an outline of what was covered. Thank you! ------------------------------ Patrick Hoecherl Staff Development Coordinator Salt Lake City Public Library -------------------- ...
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jan 27, 2020 03:38 PM
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Thanks Daniel! Those are both great modules (I'll admit to being particularly fond of Managing Conflict, because I contributed). I'm looking forward to checking out the Performance Management Module once it's complete. ------------------------------ Patrick Hoecherl Staff Development Coordinator ...
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jan 27, 2020 03:36 PM
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I would love to see that. Thanks Cassandra! ------------------------------ Patrick Hoecherl Staff Development Coordinator Salt Lake City Public Library ------------------------------
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jan 27, 2020 03:35 PM
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Thanks Cheryl, I would love to see your outline when it's ready. ------------------------------ Patrick Hoecherl Staff Development Coordinator Salt Lake City Public Library ------------------------------
Posted By Patrick Hoecherl Jan 24, 2020 11:32 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Hi Staff Development Experts, I'm looking to develop curriculum for my library around Management and/or Leadership Training. Both training that can be used as continuing education for current managers and training that can cover basics for new managers or even people that aspire to become managers. ...