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Cheryl Wright

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Cheryl Wright

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Posted By Cheryl Wright Aug 19, 2020 10:36 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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This is awesome. I am currently re-doing our orientation and planning on virtual. It will help to use your experiences and your list of what you trained! Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning & Development 2450 N. Meridian Indianapolis, IN 46208 317-275-4808
Posted By Cheryl Wright Aug 12, 2020 08:14 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Cassie, What is included in your virtual orientation.  I need to start these and was wondering what all you covered and how.  Thanks for any help you can give! Have you considered doing Polls to learn more about the staff as an interactive component? Cheryl ------------------------------ Cheryl ...
Posted By Cheryl Wright Feb 12, 2020 08:46 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Kim, let me know how your 2020 classes go.  I love the topics and the idea of current staff sharing their experiences and what they do.  What a great way to learn! ------------------------------ Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning and Development Chair, Learning Roundtable of ALA - ...
Posted By Cheryl Wright Feb 06, 2020 01:08 PM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Use this presentation when you are presenting to others about the Learning RT and all that we offer.
Posted By Cheryl Wright Feb 06, 2020 01:06 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Thanks to Natalie Starosta and Katherine Adelberg for this great marketing PP presentation that you can use when discussing the Learning Round Table with colleagues.  I will add it to our documents on Connect also. Let us know if you have an opportunity to use it! LearnRT Presentationhttps://d ...
Posted By Cheryl Wright Jan 24, 2020 08:41 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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We are actually just creating Managers training at IndyPL.  I would be happy to share our outline once it is created. ------------------------------ Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning and Development Chair, Learning Roundtable of ALA ------------------------------
Posted By Cheryl Wright Nov 20, 2019 09:35 AM
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This was recently posted on ALA Connect.  Give it a read through and let me know if you have any concerns.   ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Dear Members, We heard you. Members ...
Posted By Cheryl Wright Sep 23, 2019 09:29 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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I would love to know if others have a process like this.  It is hard to budget for this. ------------------------------ Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning and Development The Indianapolis Public Library ------------------------------
Posted By Cheryl Wright Jul 12, 2019 08:37 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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This is awesome material Tracey.  Thanks for sharing! ------------------------------ Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning and Development The Indianapolis Public Library ------------------------------
Posted By Cheryl Wright Jun 28, 2019 10:14 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Attached are the notes from our very successful pre-conference. the Diversity and Inclusion Unconference, ably led by Sam Eddington.  It was a great session of sharing! Diversity and Inclusion Unconference notes ------------------------------ Cheryl Wright Manager, Organizational Learning and ...