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The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

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Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy New Issue Published

  • 1.  Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy New Issue Published

    Posted Jan 18, 2023 01:43 PM


    Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy has just published its latest issue at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://journals.ala.org/index.php/jifp__;!!DZ3fjg!6s4Eb-Q-nV3DYkuL34ok2r1x2OPUCRInvbeIU18-CdJtElpS6apLDd8ZUJxOU8Lf8JueIP0C4zjQYOrZ$

    We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. The news section is now open access and details the many book challenges happening across the U.S.

    We are also looking for additional peer reviewers. It is my goal to assign no more than three articles to one person per year. Reviews are due one month after the assignment is accepted. 

    Please sign up here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://journals.ala.org/index.php/jifp/user/register__;!!DZ3fjg!6s4Eb-Q-nV3DYkuL34ok2r1x2OPUCRInvbeIU18-CdJtElpS6apLDd8ZUJxOU8Lf8JueIP0C4_-6NIOE$ 

    The "Reviewing Interests" field

    is especially important as I use it to assign articles to reviewers.

    Thanks for the continuing interest in our work, 

    Emily Knox



    Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://journals.ala.org/index.php/jifp__;!!DZ3fjg!6s4Eb-Q-nV3DYkuL34ok2r1x2OPUCRInvbeIU18-CdJtElpS6apLDd8ZUJxOU8Lf8JueIP0C4zjQYOrZ$


    Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Summer Table of Contents https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://journals.ala.org/index.php/jifp/issue/view/837__;!!DZ3fjg!6s4Eb-Q-nV3DYkuL34ok2r1x2OPUCRInvbeIU18-CdJtElpS6apLDd8ZUJxOU8Lf8JueIP0C4x1G7SD3$




    Confronting the Intersection of COVID-19 and Privacy (3-3)

                  Jennifer Joe




    Privacy of Staff Biometric Data in Vulnerable Population Outreach (4-6)

                  Audrey Barbakoff,          Rekha Kuver,              Christine Anderson




    Researcher and Academic Library Roles and User Beliefs in the Pandemic:

    Designing the Open-Access and Library Usage Scale (OALU) (7-22)

                  Elizabeth DeZouche,       Angelique Blackburn

    Libraries and Diminished Patron Privacy During the COVID-19 Health Crisis


                  Christopher Muhawe,    Ryan Wang,       Tian Wang,   Carol M. Hayes, Masooda Bashir




    For the Record (35-44)

                  Eric Stroshane

    Censorship Dateline (45-72)

                  Eric Stroshane

    Success Stories (73-84)

                  Eric Stroshane

    In Brief (85-115)

                  Eric Stroshane

    From the Bench (116-116)

                  Eric Stroshane

    Targets of the Censor (117-157)

                  Eric Stroshane

    Emily Knox
    University of Illinois