IFRT Members Community (Open)

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The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

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Core Values Feedback Requested

  • 1.  Core Values Feedback Requested

    Posted Sep 25, 2023 06:37 PM
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    Please review the following drafts of the proposed Core Values and provide all feedback in this online form (https://aclibrary.libwizard.com/f/ALACoreValues). Feedback will be received until October 31, 2023.

    ALA's Core Values define aspirational values for library workers that serve as a guiding light. They are there to help individuals and organizations make decisions and set priorities. These values complement other core documents, such as the Library Bill of Rights, ALA's Code of Ethics, Libraries: An American Value Statement, Freedom to Read Statement, and Freedom to View Statement, to create a robust foundation for the profession.

    The ALA Council created a Task Force to review the twelve core values to evaluate their relevance to modern librarianship and report back. The task force comprises members with experience and knowledge across the library landscape/profession. Members have expertise in access, accreditation, education, graduate school curriculum, ethics, intellectual freedom, preservation, education, access, inclusion, diversity and equity, and sustainability.

    Upon review of the Core Values and a survey of library leaders across the profession, the Task Force decided that the values needed to complement and not repeat the ethics and rights found in the following documents:
    • Library Bill of Rights
    • Libraries: An American Value Statement
    • Code of Ethics.

    These documents serve a unique purpose and audience, building off one another to create a robust foundation for the profession.
    To further the review process, the Core Values Task Force used the following definitions:
    • Values: Guiding principles or ideas. Values should be aspirational.
    • Ethics: Application of guiding principles. Ethics are practical.
    • Rights: What people are entitled to by a system and social convention

    The Core Values Task Force is now seeking input from the membership. When reviewing the revised Core Values, keep in mind the following:
    • The values should enhance existing documents, not be repetitive.
    • Core Values are for library workers, not the ALA or library buildings.
    • The values should be written in plain language, easy to remember, and accessible to all.
    • There have been many changes to the world and libraries in the last several years, including ALA's significant by-law revision process.

    Proposed Core Values:

    Access provides equitable opportunities for everyone in the community to obtain library resources and services. Library workers strive to remove all barriers so that everyone can freely access the information they need for learning, growth, and empowerment.

    Equity is working to recognize and dismantle systemic and personal biases. Library workers do this by being willing to change how they think and act and trying to understand and connect with communities over time. Equitable libraries meet users where they are so they get the information and services they need to fulfill their goals and aspirations. Library workers ensure equitable libraries by targeting resources and obtaining adequate funding to address gaps in hiring and planning.

    Intellectual Freedom
    Intellectual freedom empowers people to think for themselves, respecting their dignity and independence. Library workers encourage people to form their own ideas by questioning the world around them and accessing information from different viewpoints and formats without restrictions. Privacy is crucial to safeguard this freedom, ensuring everyone has the right to develop their thoughts and opinions.

    Public Good
    Public good is working for the betterment of the overall community. Libraries are an essential public good and are fundamental institutions in democratic societies. Library workers embody this core value when they provide the highest levels of responsive service to create informed, connected, and empowered communities.

    Sustainability means making choices that are good for the environment, make sense economically, and treat everyone fairly. This helps library workers keep services and resources useful for now and into the future. To help our communities respond and thrive, libraries support climate resiliency and the living world. By taking care of the common good with purpose, libraries are strong partners for a better tomorrow.

    Erin Berman
    RainbowRT Councilor
    Division Director, Alameda County Library


    Core Values Review.pdf   131 KB 1 version