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The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

The IFRT Members Community group is the central hub for discussion, library and events. It is visible to all ALA members but only IFRT members can participate in the conversation.

E-Petition Letter for CSK Round Table Status

  • 1.  E-Petition Letter for CSK Round Table Status

    Posted Dec 21, 2021 03:11 PM

    Dear American Library Association Colleagues, 

    The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee (CSK) is petitioning ALA Council to move to Round Table status. If approved, the Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table (CSKBART) will launch in June 2022.

    In 1982, the Coretta Scott King Book Awards became an official American Library Association award. Over the years, the CSK Awards have established a well-documented, 51-year history that recognizes African American authors and illustrators for their outstanding contributions to literature for children and young adults. 

    The annual awarding of the CSK Awards is to encourage the artistic expression of the Black experience through literature and the graphic arts, including biographical, social, historical, and social history treatments. Book award recipients receive this award because they promote an understanding and appreciation of the Black experience.

    Created to commemorate the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to honor his wife, Coretta Scott King, the Awards exemplify her courage and determination to continue his work for peace and world brotherhood. This mission and purpose will remain steadfast.

    CSK is grateful to both the Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) and the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) for their leadership and support over the years. These benefactors have enabled CSK to grow and develop into the dynamic group it is today. 

    As CSK moves toward an exciting new future, we believe that it is time for the CSK Book Awards Committee to continue its forward trajectory by preparing for this new leadership role within the American Library Association. If you agree with our goal, here is your opportunity to assist with this endeavor.

    To demonstrate your support, please use these links to: 

    (1) Sign the CSK Petition: https://www.ala.org/CFApps/epetition/index.cfm?pid=513B005EBA083C59 (Please note you must be an ALA Member to sign the e-petition)

    (2) Submit CSK Letter of Support to - Monica Chapman, Project Coordinator, Coretta Scott King Book Awards and ODLOS Round Tables (mlchapman@ala.org)

    We will need one hundred signatures for the petition. Also, fifty support letters are required by January 15, 2022. Your assistance is appreciated!

    Kindest regards,

    Coretta Scott King Book Awards - Executive Board
    Dr. Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Chair (2020-2023)
    Dr. Janice Newsum, Vice Chair/Chair Elect (2023-2025)
    Dr. Claudette McLinn, Immediate Past Chair
    Emma McNamara, Recording Secretary
    Carmen Boston, Treasurer

    Standing Committee Chairs:
    Jason Driver, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Jury
    Carolyn Garnes, Coretta Scott King Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement Jury
    Gladys Smiley Bell, Membership Committee
    Carmen Boston, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Breakfast/Local Arrangements
    Delandrus Seales, Publications
    Dr. Janice Newsum, Program
    Lauren Kratz, Technology
    Barbara Clark, Archives and History
    Dr. Pauletta Bracy, Nominating Committee
    Bina Williams, Book Donation Grant
    Dr. Leslie Campbell Hime, Marketing
    Gladys Smiley Bell & Janice Newsum, 55th Anniversary (2024) Planning Committee

    Kevin D. Strowder, Director, Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS)*
    Monica Chapman, Program Coordinator, CSK Book Awards & ODLOS Round Table*


    *Non-voting member of CSK Executive Board

    Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, MLS, Ed.D.
    Chair, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee

    (404) 202.8269 (cell)