IFRT Members Community (Open)

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last person joined: 8 days ago 

The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

The IFRT Members Community group is the central hub for discussion, library and events. It is visible to all ALA members but only IFRT members can participate in the conversation.

  • 1.  IFRT chair news

    Posted Jun 25, 2021 03:59 PM

    Hello IFRT Membership,

    According to the Bylaws of the Intellectual Freedom Round Table Article IV. Section 7. Succession, "If a vacancy occurs in the office of chair, the chair-elect shall succeed him or her." Because of my election to the ALA Executive Board and to reduce any appearance of a conflict of interest, I'm resigning in my formal role of IFRT Chair effective July 1 and will be transitioning to an IFRT Executive Board Member role for the remainder of my term on the executive committee. 

    I will be active in my collaboration with and support of Rhonda Evans in her promotion to the role of IFRT Chair for the incoming year. Per the IFRT bylaws Article IV. Section 7. 3. If a vacancy occurs with less than one year remaining in the term, or after April 1 with more than one year remaining in the term, the chair will appoint a replacement to serve out the unexpired term, subject to confirmation by a majority of the Executive Committee. This vote may be cast by phone or mail at the discretion of the chair." I will work with the Executive Committee to appoint a replacement to serve the role of IFRT Chair-elect. 

    Because Rhonda has not had the opportunity to shadow for a year as IFRT Chair-Elect, I will be meeting with her and IFRT Past-Chair Wanda Huffaker on a monthly basis to review tasks and responsibilities to continue the great work of this round table. I hope you will show your support for Rhonda. Please communicate any concerns or questions to this thread. 

    I wish to thank Wanda, Rhonda, and Kristin specifically in their support during this transition and thank membership for the opportunity and profound honor to have served you in this capacity. 

    My best,

    Sam Helmick 

    [Sam] [Helmick] [Iowa Chapter Councilor] [IFRT Chair-Elect]
    [Community & Access Coordinator]
    [Iowa City Public Library (Iowa)]