IFRT Members Community (Open)

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The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

The IFRT Members Community group is the central hub for discussion, library and events. It is visible to all ALA members but only IFRT members can participate in the conversation.

  • 1.  IFRT Emerging Leader Project Feedback

    Posted Aug 26, 2021 08:17 AM

    IFRT Emerging Leader Project Feedback

    Hello IFRT Members!

    In addition to sponsoring an Emerging Leader participant, IFRT will be submitting a project proposal for the class of 2022. IFRT has two strong candidates for a Emerging Leader Project Proposal and we'd love to get your input on which idea is submitted. We ask that you take just a few minutes to provide your feedback.

    This form will provide a detailed overview of the ideas and the deliverables. Regardless of which idea you think is best, any feedback for the emerging leaders team on implementation and usefulness are greatly appreciated. It will help them as they brainstorm their chosen project. Then the final question asks you to choose which proposal you believe is strongest in supporting the mission of the round table. 

    Thank you in advance for your time and support, and for helping us submit a really strong Emerging Leader project proposal!


    Rhonda Evans

    Chair, IFRT

    Rhonda Evans
    Assistant Chief Librarian
    Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture - NYPL

  • 2.  RE: IFRT Emerging Leader Project Feedback

    Posted Sep 07, 2021 04:24 PM
    So far, 15 response have been recorded. 

    IFRT has sponsored Emerging Leaders for the last few years. The program puts participants on the fast track to ALA committee volunteerism as well as other professional library-related organizations. Many of the ELs have continued to participate in IFRT after they graduate from the program. Financially participating in the program has been a specific part of IFRT's annual budget planning and strategic development. 

    Please take five minutes to read the two ideas and vote for which idea you think IFRT should pursue for submission. IFRT Emerging Leader Project Feedback Form

    Kristin Pekoll, CAE
    Assistant Director
    American Library Association

  • 3.  RE: IFRT Emerging Leader Project Feedback

    Posted Sep 17, 2021 05:11 PM
    These are both such interesting ideas! Either would be a great project for someone new to the field.

    Rebecca Moorman
    IFRT Secretary

    Rebecca Moorman
    Head, Technical Services
    University of Alaska Anchorage