IFRT Members Community (Open)

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The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians.

The IFRT Members Community group is the central hub for discussion, library and events. It is visible to all ALA members but only IFRT members can participate in the conversation.

  • 1.  Banned Books Week webinar series

    Posted Oct 06, 2020 01:10 PM




    A week-long webinar series featuring creators and librarians in conversation on topics centered around censorship and intellectual freedom presented by ALA's Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table (GNCRT) and Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) with Image Comics. Each webinar will be a freewheeling discussion on creativity, freedom of expression, the (sometimes recent) history of banned and challenged comics, and how access to information is a fundamental right library patrons can expect librarians to defend across the world.



    • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 -- Censorship: The Comics Code Authority & Rating Systems - Alex Cox (Image Comics) in conversation with Sarah Hartman-Caverly (Intellectual Freedom Round Table) on the history of the Comics Code Authority and its impact on comics censorship. This discussion will also touch on how current ratings systems and library classifications can impact readership.
    • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29  -- Banned through Comics Metadata!? - Librarians Allison Bailund (San Diego State University), Hallie Clawson (University of Washington Information School), and Rotem Anna Diamant (Canada Comics Open Library) in conversation with Brittany Netherton (Darien Public Library) on how the metadata of comics can limit and grant access to comics. From proper crediting of creators to the details of a catalog record - comics metadata creates access.
    • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 -- Black People in Comics - Valentine De Landro (Bitch Planet, X-Factor), Johnnie Christmas (Tartatus, Sheltered) and Chuck Brown (Bitter Root) in conversation with Tamela Chambers (Black Caucus American Library Association) on how Black people have been historically portrayed in comics, from the obstacles of integrating Black characters into mainstream and superhero comics to present day works, issues Black creators face working in the comics industry, and the importance of non-white characters existing on the comics page.
    • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 -- (Un)Welcome to the Comics Industry - It's not just libraries that have banned comics - sometimes it's the comics industry itself. Chloe Ramos (Image Comics), Sina Grace (Self Obsessed, Not My Bag), Lauren McCubbin (Moonstruck, SFSX), and Kelly Sue DeConnick (Bitch Planet, Captain Marvel) in conversation with Dan Wood (Escondido Public Library) will discuss how harassment serves as a form of censorship within the industry by creating unsafe and unwelcoming environments, and how awareness of these issues is important for librarians to understand.
    • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 -- Comics: "Are These Real Books?" - Charles Soule (Undiscovered Country, Daredevil) in conversation with Matthew Noe (GNCRT President-Elect) on why comics so often wind up on annual most challenged books lists, what comics are most often challenged, and what you can do to overcome negative opinions of comics.


    Learn more about the partnership.


  • 2.  RE: Banned Books Week webinar series

    Posted Oct 07, 2020 10:33 AM

    I missed these, but they look great! Thank you for the link!


    Pat Dunn. MLS

    Collections Librarian

    Red Rocks Community College Library

    Room 2275

    Box 14

    13300 West Sixth Avenue

    Lakewood, CO. 80228-1255




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