EMIERT (Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table)

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  • To serve as a source of information on recommended ethnic collections, services, and programs.
  • To organize task forces, institutes, and workshops to carry out the functions of the Round Table as defined in the petition.
  • To develop for Annual conferences forums and symposia programs that deal with the key issues of ethnicity and librarianship.
  • To maintain a liaison with the Office of Library Outreach Services and cooperate with other ALA units, including the caucuses in joint projects for the betterment of outreach services.
  • To disseminate the work of the Round Table through a program of publications

Learn more about EMIERT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Ashley Bryan 1923-2022

    Posted Feb 05, 2022 02:05 PM
    Good afternoon, 

    It is with great sadness that the Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee shares the following announcements from the Bryan Family with friends and associates of Ashly Bryan 1923-2022:

    Facebook posting from Ashley Bryan Center



    JULY 13, 1923 - FEBRUARY 4, 2022

    George Sandy CampbellCranberry Isles Information Page

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    Dear Friends and Family,

    The world has lost a wonderful person. It is with gratitude and love for the life he shared with us that we announce the passing of Ashley Bryan, renowned artist, writer, storyteller, on February 4, 2022. He was 98 years old.

    In our lives there have been few people as special. His joy of discovery, invention, learning and community has had a profound impact on us all.

    A complete obituary and detailed biography can be found at the Ashley Bryan Center's website, ashleybryancenter.orgThere is also a link where you are most welcome to share your thoughts and memories of Ashley.

    There will be a Memorial Celebration held on Islesford, Maine on July 13, 2022, which would have been Ashley's 99th birthday. Contributions can be made to the Ashley Bryan Center in memory of Ashley. Gifts will be used for the expansion and upkeep of The Storyteller Pavilion, the centerpiece of Ashley's legacy.


    The Family


    Please keep the Bryan family in your thoughts and prayers.

    With a heavy heart, 




    Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, MLS, Ed.D.
    Chair, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table

    (404) 202.8269 (cell)