EMIERT (Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table)

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last person joined: yesterday 

  • To serve as a source of information on recommended ethnic collections, services, and programs.
  • To organize task forces, institutes, and workshops to carry out the functions of the Round Table as defined in the petition.
  • To develop for Annual conferences forums and symposia programs that deal with the key issues of ethnicity and librarianship.
  • To maintain a liaison with the Office of Library Outreach Services and cooperate with other ALA units, including the caucuses in joint projects for the betterment of outreach services.
  • To disseminate the work of the Round Table through a program of publications

Learn more about EMIERT on the ALA website.

EMIERT Offers New Leadership Opportunities - Open Positions

  • 1.  EMIERT Offers New Leadership Opportunities - Open Positions

    Posted Jan 22, 2013 01:45 PM

    Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round T able



    EMIERT Offers New Leadership Opportunities    January 2013 Open Positions

    Vice Chair (term begins June 2013-15) (2yr)

    • Works closely with the Chair on all EMIERT initiatives
    • Responsible for program planning for ALA Annual Conference
    • Oversees  Membership Committee


    Secretary (vacant) (2yr) - define position and 2 year commitment

    • attend midwinter and annual executive board and membership meetings
    • take minutes, transcribe minutes and distribute minutes to board members
    • secretary will create agenda for executive board meetings


    Treasurer (term begins June 2013-2015) 2 year commitment

    • Works closely with Office of Diversity staff
    • Reviews EMIERT budget reports prepared by ALA
    • Submits EMIERT budge proposals voted on by board members
    • Prepares bi-annual budget reports for membership


    Membership Committee (vacant)(2yr) - Membership Chair and 2-3 members . Define tasks and timetable for committee

    • compile monthly and yearly membership statistics in membership spreadsheet and code by member type (public library, school library, academic library etc.)
    • create and deliver reports for executive board meetings at MidWinter and Annual conferences highlighting membership engagement and projects
    • send monthly emails welcoming new members, thanking renewed/reinstated members and thanking dropped members for their recent membership
    • Recruit new members through NMRT, student associations and local/national conferences and listservs


    Electronic Communications Committee (vacant)(2yr) - Electronic Communications Chair and 2 members

    • Receive training in Drupal form ALA in order to maintain EMIERT ALA web presence  *   Update content on social media platforms, on consistent basis
    • Recruit members to sign up to moderate discussion topics on listserv
    • Manage electronic communication accounts, approve new members and keep content current
    • Balance content for membership groups; i.e. academic, public, school librarians, library and information science schools, special libraries
    • Recruit members to live tweet and/ or report out from conferences/programs related to EMIERT mission


    Members- At- Large (1 vacant) (2 yr.) (staggered terms with at least three members on Board)

    • Works closely with EC Board on Special Projects
    • Serves on Task Force 

    Contact Tess Tobin, Chair   ttobin@citytech.cuny.edu   Katherine Trouen-Trend , Vice Chair kttrend@hplct.org


  • 2.  RE: EMIERT Offers New Leadership Opportunities - Open Positions

    Posted Apr 20, 2013 10:39 AM

    Is it too late to submit nominations?