NEW CHAIR ELECTION E-MAIL sent to ALCTS CRS C&RL IG-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Election ballot: ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries IGDate: Wed, 05 May 2010 10:15:06 -0400From: Rebecca Kemp <>To: Rebecca Kemp <>Hi, Interest Group members: please vote for the next Chair-Elect of the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries Interest Group! Our new Chair, starting after ALA Annual 2010, will be Beth Bernhardt. She needs a Chair-Elect to serve with her!You can find the election ballot here: note, the survey will be open until 5:00pm Thursday, 5/13/2010.Let me know if you have any questions.Thanks,Rebecca-- Rebecca KempE-Resources Acquisitions LibrarianCB#3938 Davis LibraryUNC-Chapel HillChapel Hill, NC 27514-8890rkemp<at>email<dot>unc<dot>eduph: 919-962-0162fax: 919-962-4450