Call for Proposals - ALA Annual meeting of the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College and Research Libraries Interest Group
please excuse cross-posting
The ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College and Research Libraries Interest Group requests presentation proposals for its ALA Annual meeting in Anaheim, California. This meeting is currently scheduled to be held on Sunday, June 24 from 8:30 to 10:00am (the specific meeting location has not yet been determined).
While the Interest Group welcomes proposals on any topic within its purview, it is particularly interested in proposals concerning how libraries are addressing the challenges of the ongoing preservation/retention of continuing resource collections through innovative partnerships among libraries (e.g., distributed print repositories).
The lengths of the presentations given at the meeting will depend on the nature and number of the proposals that are accepted.
Please e-mail proposals by *April 30* to Patrick Carr and Melissa Behney
Proposals can be informally presented but they should include:
- A working title of the presentation
- A brief summary of proposed presentation topic
- Name(s), email address(es), and position(s) of presenter(s)
- Preferred presentation length
Patrick Carr
Head of Electronic & Continuing Resources Acquisitions
Joyner Library
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Nominations Sought for ALCTS CRS College and Research Libraries Interest Group Chair-Elect
(excuse cross-posting)
Here's your chance to help provide continuing education on Continuing Resources!
The ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries Interest Group seeks a new Chair-Elect to serve starting after ALA Annual 2012.
The new Chair-Elect will help to solicit and plan sessions for the mid-winter and annual ALA conferences, and he or she will also attend these sessions at the conferences.
This position serves as Chair-Elect for the first year of the term and Chair the second year.
This interest group is a lot of fun to lead and relatively low maintenance.
Please contact the Interest Group's Chair, Patrick Carr (, or Chair-Elect, Melissa Behney (, if you have any questions about this leadership opportunity.
Please send in nominations (self-nominations are welcome) for this position to Patrick Carr ( or Melissa Behney ( by May 11th.
Please feel free to forward this call to others at your organization or others you know who may be interested.
Patrick Carr
Head of Electronic & Continuing Resources Acquisitions
Joyner Library
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Hi, everyone--We’re quickly approaching the date of our Interest Group meeting and program at the ALA Annual conference and I wanted to touch base with you about some of the details of that meeting.
First – Could each of you send me a very short bio (approximately 2-3 sentences) that could be used to introduce you at the meeting?
Second - The room we’re meeting in should have a laptop but, just in case, I’m going to bring my laptop as a backup. I’m planning to arriving at the meeting location at about 8AM. If you could attempt to arrive around that time, that would be greatly appreciated.
Third – According to the conference schedule, 82 people have indicated an interest in attending our meeting, so I expect a good turn out.
Fourth - If you can email me your presentation by Friday of this week I will make sure I have a copy, just in case.
Fifth – Following the conference, we generally post IG program slides on the IG’s ALA Connect webspace. If you have any concerns about having your presentation slides posted, let me know.
Sixth - Could you send me your cell phone number in case there are unforeseen developments and I need to contact you. My cell phone number is [].
Seventh - Here’s the prelim agenda I envision for the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns about this, let me know:
8:30 – Introduction (Carr)
8:35 – Difiore presentation
8:55 – Koury presentation
9:15 – Jacobs presentation
9:25 – Q&A
Finally - Here is a reminder on the specifics of our meeting:
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Time: 8:30-10:00 am
Location: Hyatt Grand Ballroom B
If you have any questions let me know.
See you in Anaheim!
(excuse cross-posting)
"The Evolving Challenges of E-Resource Preservation," a meeting presented by the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries Interest Group
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Time: 8:30-10:00 am
Location: Hyatt Grand Ballroom B
The transition of library collections from print to electronic formats has presented extraordinary challenges to traditional concepts of preservation. This meeting’s program will address were some of these challenges stand in the rapidly evolving information landscape. The program will feature three short presentations:
· “Accessing e-Content in the Portico Archive: Balancing Librarian Needs for Preservation and Ongoing Access” by Ken Difiore (Director of Outreach and Participation Services, JSTOR/Portico): Portico defines digital preservation as “the series of management policies and activities necessary to ensure the enduring usability, authenticity, discoverability and accessibility of content over the very long term.” This definition of digital preservation is the driving force behind our preservation philosophy and practical applications. We will explore these preservation choices through the representation in the audit access provided to over 17,000,000 articles & nearly 17,000 books and the user access provided via trigger and perpetual access to over 580,000 articles & books.
· “Perpetual Access to Continuing Resource Collections: We are not Quite There Yet” by Regina Koury (Electronic Resources Librarian, Idaho State University): Idaho State University library had a list of 2012 journal cancellation recommendations from all departments. In preparation for the coming journal cuts, many of which were online only, we joined LOCKSS. This presentation will talk about which headaches joining LOCKSS solved, how we tried to persuade publishers who are not in LOCKSS to join and show examples of library losses when there is no perpetual access agreements in place."
· “Evolving Preservation Challenges for Online Resources: The LOCKSS Program Response” by Vicky Reich (Executive Director, LOCKSS Program): The LOCKSS Program [], based at Stanford University Libraries preserves what publishers publish; the author's words and the presentation and branding. It enables libraries to keep what they buy on local preservation LOCKSS boxes, separating payment from access. Vicky will be presenting this talk virtually.
Following the presentations, we hope for a lively and engaged discussion.
If you have questions about this meeting, please contact the Interest Group Chair, Patrick Carr ( or Chair-Elect, Melissa Behney (
It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday at the ALCTS CRS College & Research Libraries Interest Group meeting. I think you gave an excellent presentation, and I was very pleased with the level of audience engagement reflected in the question and answer period. It seemed from my perspective to be a very strong session, and I thank you on behalf of the Interest Group for helping to make it a success!