ALCTS CRS College and Research Libraries Interest Group

ALCTS CRS C&RL IG program announcement sample e-mail 

Jul 08, 2010 02:41 PM


Subject:     ALA 2010 Annual Program Announcement: ALCTS CRS College & Research Libraries Interest Group
Date:     Fri, 28 May 2010 10:26:11 -0400
From:     Rebecca Kemp <>
To:     SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum <SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>, Electronic Resources in Libraries <ERIL-L@LISTSERV.BINGHAMTON.EDU>,,


Please join us at ALA Annual:

ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries Interest
Group Annual Meeting
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2010
Time: 10:30 am -12:00 noon
Location: JW Marriott Hotel, Grand Ballroom IV

1. Electronic Resources Evaluation Central: Homing in on a Permanent Site
Presenter: Lenore England, Digital Resources Librarian, University of
Maryland University College

The UMUC library staff carefully review electronic resources each fiscal
year. This process can be complex and inefficient since a wide variety
of sources and tools need to be utilized. To more effectively manage the
process, evaluation of resources was streamlined by setting up a site
with LibGuides that could be utilized each fiscal year, which is called
Electronic Resources Evaluation Central (EREC). EREC includes
statistical and cost analysis of our resources, trials, fact sheets,
library liaison information and templates for communication with
faculty, and a comments blog. This presentation will discuss the
effectiveness of setting up a central site and statistics on its use.

2. Ithaka S+R 2009 Faculty Survey Report
Presenter: Ross Housewright, Analyst, Ithaka S+R

Ithaka S+R recently released the results of its fourth faculty survey,
which examines changes in faculty attitudes towards the academic
library, information resources, and the scholarly communications system
as a whole.  In the published report based on this survey, Ithaka S+R
analyzes responses from over 3,000 faculty members based at US four-year
colleges or universities.  This presentation will report findings on (1)
faculty attitudes about the idea of a local shift away from print
journal collections and towards electronic-only access and (2) faculty
attitudes towards scholarly communications trends in open access and
digital repositories.

3. Scholarly Video Publishing to Increase Productivity and
Standardization in Life Sciences
Presenter: Moshe Pritsker, CEO, Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder of JoVE
(Journal of Visualized Experiments)

An insider in the business will provide answers on video-publication in
science: why do it? Who needs it? What fundamental problems of today
research and education does it address?  He will also detail how to
build a sustainable video-publication and discuss acceptance of
video-publication in the scientific and librarian communities based on 3
years of the experience acquired by JoVE.

We hope to see you in DC!

Best wishes,

Rebecca Kemp, Chair, CRS C&RL IG
E-Resources Acquisitions Librarian
CB#3938 Davis Library
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
ph: 919-962-0162
fax: 919-962-4450

Beth Bernhardt, Chair-Elect, CRS C&RL IG
Electronic Resources Librarian
Jackson Library
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402


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