ALCTS CRS College and Research Libraries Interest Group

ALA Annual 2019 --- College and Research Libraries Interest Group (ALCTS CRS)

  • 1.  ALA Annual 2019 --- College and Research Libraries Interest Group (ALCTS CRS)

    Posted May 28, 2019 03:21 PM

    Please join the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section (CRS) College and Research Libraries Interest Group at the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC.


    When: Sunday, June 23, 9:00-10:00 AM
    Where: Marriott Marquis, Georgetown University Room (M1 --- one level below lobby)
    Who: Everyone is welcome!
    What: Small group discussions based on crowdsourced ideas
    Event Link:


    Have topics you would like to discuss? Submit ideas via this form:


    Additionally, I am looking for a chair-elect for 2019-2020. If you are interested please provide your contact information via this form:


    Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you at ALA! 

    Danielle L. Ostendorf 

    Electronic Resources Librarian
    University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    303-724-2134 |