AASL Chapters Forum

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  • 1.  FAQ about ESSA Resources from the Vision for Implementing ESSA Task Force

    Posted Feb 22, 2017 11:24 AM
    In response to requests via the survey to the affiliates and the discussion groups at ALA Midwinter, the AASL Vision for Implementing ESSA Task Force has created the following:


    FAQ about ESSA Resources 

    Where can I locate sample messages including elevator speeches to use with various stakeholders?

    Sample message is available on the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Advocacy Resources http://essa.aasl.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ESSA-Elevator-Speech-Examples.pdf

    Remember - the focus is on students and include a story when delivering your elevator speech.

    Where can I find a copy of the AASL Vision for Implementing ESSA Task Force’s presentation at ALA Midwinter 2017?

    The presentation and document with links is available on the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Resources and Information http://essa.aasl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Opportunities-In-ESSA-for-School-Libraries.pdf

    Where can I find a sample presentation on ESSA to use with various stakeholders?

    The presentation made by the AASL Vision for Implementing ESSA Task Force at ALA Midwinter 2017 serves as a sample presentation. It is available on the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Resources and Information http://essa.aasl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Opportunities-In-ESSA-for-School-Libraries.pdf

    Where can I find definitions of terms used in ESSA along with talking points?

    Definitions of ESSA terms along with talking points are available on the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Resources and Information-Advocacy Tools http://essa.aasl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ESSA_Terms_rev.pdf. ESSA terms are discussed in posts on the KQ Blog. http://knowledgequest.aasl.org

    Where can I find examples of state plans?

    On the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Discussion Forum under the thread state plans. http://essa.aasl.org/forums/

    Where can I find state exemplars/evidence?

    On the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Discussion Forum under the thread state exemplars/evidence. http://essa.aasl.org/forums/

    Where can I find a summary of guidance and rulings from the US Department of Education?

    Due to the change in administration, various guidance and rules are being reviewed. When the updated guidance and rulings are released,  a summary will be released.

    Where can I find information on grant writing tips, examples, etc?

    The task force is working with the AASL Office to have webinars addressing this need. Stay tuned for announcements concerning this topic.

    Where can I find resources on school librarians as leaders?

    Currently, Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs serves as an excellent resource. In response to ESSA, the task force is requesting the AASL Board of Directors to consider a position paper on school librarians as leaders. Additionally, the task force is working with the AASL Office to have webinars on this topic. Stay tuned for announcements concerning this topic.

  • 2.  RE: FAQ about ESSA Resources from the Vision for Implementing ESSA Task Force

    Posted Mar 07, 2017 01:52 PM

    The AASL Vision for Implementation of ESSA Task Force would like to share more resources for you and your members:

    1. Here is a link to the ESSA State Plan Notice of Intent to Submit with your state's submission date. Please check when your state is planning to submit its ESSA plan.

    Once your state does, please share and post the link on the AASL ESSA website http://essa.aasl.org/forums/.

    2. To better understand how policy works, here is a great article on rule making with regards to federal legislation:  The Hechinger Report provides a good primer on the rule making process in the US DoE  http://bit.ly/2lm3ikJ

    3. Once your state has submitted their plans, don't forget to also share the exemplars/examples onto the AASL ESSA and School Libraries Page under Discussion Forum under the thread state exemplars/evidence. http://essa.aasl.org/forums/


    Lori Donovan,

    AASL Vision for the Implementation of ESSA Task Force member