AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

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  • 1.  AASL - Affiliate Memorandum of Understanding - BWAD 2012

    Posted Aug 02, 2012 02:52 PM
      |   view attached

    Good afternoon AASL Affiliate Assembly,

    At the meeting of the AASL Affiliate Assembly at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, you were presented with the attached memorandum of understanding making your affiliate a promotional partner with AASL to promote the 2012 Banned Website Awareness Day. 

    If your affiliate has already submitted this memorandum of understanding you do not need to resubmit.  If your affiliate would like to sign on and be included on the 2012 Banned Website Awareness Day website please complete the memorandum of understanding and email to aasl@ala.org or fax directly to the AASL office at 312-280-5276 at your earliest convenience.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!

    Joshua Capp, Program Coordinator of Governance and Finance


    2012BWADPromoPartners.docx   13 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: AASL - Affiliate Memorandum of Understanding - BWAD 2012

    Posted Aug 03, 2012 12:59 PM

    Good afternoon AASL Affiliate Assembly,

    I received a question about which affiliates had already turned in the memorandum of understanding and here is what has been submitted as of 8/3:

    • Connecticut Association of School Librarians
    • Hawaii Association of School Librarians 
    • Ohio Educational Library Media Association
    • Texas Association of School Librarians
    • Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful weekend!

    Joshua Capp
    Program Coordinator

  • 3.  RE: AASL - Affiliate Memorandum of Understanding - BWAD 2012

    Posted Aug 05, 2012 03:43 PM

    Hi Joshua,

    I'm told by or MA reps that they turned in the form at Affiliate Assembly in Anaheim. Can you check? Thanks!

    Kathy Lowe

  • 4.  RE: AASL - Affiliate Memorandum of Understanding - BWAD 2012

    Posted Aug 07, 2012 09:40 AM

    Good morning Kathy,

    We checked back over the forms that we received at Affiliate Assembly and we do not see one for Massachusetts.  With all of the paper that was involved at Affiliate Assembly it is possible that it could have been misplaced but currently we do not have a signed memorandum of understanding for MA.

    My apologies for any confusion.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!