AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

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  • 1.  The School Library Snapshot Tool: A New Way to Share Our Stories

    Posted Apr 05, 2016 07:58 AM

    Repost of Knowledge Quest blog post by Megan Cusick, ALA Office of Library Advocacy. Please share widely.

    Indeed, school libraries transform. We know our students’ stories, and we know the transformative nature of our work. But do we articulate these stories enough? And to the right people? How can we use data to showcase the real effort behind that transformation?

    In honor of School Library Month, the Office for Library Advocacy has teamed up with AASL to create a School Library Snapshot tool. This fillable infographic allows individual librarians to create a graphic representation of how their library aligns with provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), from providing information literacy instruction to working with teachers and hosting enrichment activities. Now, more than ever, it is critical for school librarians to make sure that others are aware of their value.


    We hope that you will share this data with us, too. Why? For one, it will allow us to aggregate state or district information and share with congressional leaders who supported the inclusion of school libraries in ESSA. Also, the more we receive, the more solid evidence we can provide to state school library associations that librarians should be at the table as local education agencies develop their plans for implementing ESSA. Finally, the more data we have, the better able we are to highlight the fact that strong school libraries are no accident; and that we must do everything in our power to fund them and support them—working with all levels of governance and administration.

    The Library Snapshot is a project initially developed by the New Jersey Library Association and New Jersey State Library, and it has been used across the country – a testament to the ease of use and the importance of getting this critical information to decision-makers in an easy to digest way. We’ve adapted it specifically for school libraries and are pleased to introduce it during School Library Month, the perfect time to document how your school library transforms.

    You can access the Snapshot infographic and additional information via AASL’s School Library Month page. We hope that you will participate and share with your librarian colleagues, too. Thanks, and happy School Library Month to all!

  • 2.  RE: The School Library Snapshot Tool: A New Way to Share Our Stories

    Posted Apr 19, 2016 05:02 AM

    Hello Affiliate Assembly - Happy School Library Month! I have a few immediate action requests for you. 

    The School Library Month snapshot project is critical to the work AASL AND ALA is doing at the national level to engage in the new ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and advocate for school libraries at the national level. We need participation and engagement in this project from school libraries and school library advocates from all over the country, as well as sharing back with us the completed graphic. 

    • Even if you have already done so, please reshare (or adapt and rewrite) the announcement the AASL Office posted on on April 5 about engaging in the School Library Month snapshot project (it is the message to which this comment has been added).
    • Repost (or write your own) information to all state and regional lists, send out on your Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts an invitation to become engaged in #slm16 - there are a variety of ways to get engaged - check out the website for a wealth of engagement ideas and resources http://www.ala.org/aasl/slm 
    • Send a personal request all of the local leadership in your Affiliate region to share, repost, and encourage engagement in #slm16, but most especially in the snapshot project
    • You, as a leader and a model for your constituents are encouraged to complete the snapshot project, then share it with AASL/ALA as well as tweet it out (if you are on Twitter) using the hashtags #slm16 and #ShowUsYourLibrary 

    A shout out to New Jersey for sharing their idea and permitting us to adapt it for our national #slm16 celebration. 

    Leslie Preddy, 2015-2016 AASL President

  • 3.  RE: The School Library Snapshot Tool: A New Way to Share Our Stories

    Posted Apr 19, 2016 07:37 AM

    Thanks Leslie.  I have forwarded out to CASL (CT) members!

  • 4.  RE: The School Library Snapshot Tool: A New Way to Share Our Stories

    Posted Apr 19, 2016 09:20 AM

    I can't express how much I love this.  I've shared with the NCSLMA listserv and twitter.  I also saved it for our next district meeting.  Thanks so much.