AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

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  • 1.  Ecosystem Follow Up

    Posted Jul 01, 2019 12:34 PM
    Hello, Everyone, 
    I hope this email finds you resting up from ALA. 
    Please review the following email from Dorcas.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for all you do! 
    I would like to thank you on behalf of the Ecosystem Initiative Task Force for giving me and Beth Munk a bit of time at Affiliate Assembly in DC. I think the activity was useful, and that we will gain useful insights from the group work. Sometimes, a F2F meeting can be much more effective and efficient than yet another email - but here I am following up with yes, yet another email!
    Everyone did go home with a paper handout<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fdrive.google.com%2fopen%3fid%3d1hHUDBsmU2EYVPa-s-9DR9RchHAszyGfh&c=E,1,Jm4FF3YQUOT4_J65UevPTwNjwvtEuoJKkkvmq2xSiakduoBHgmQ2AA8daoGJ8eZAN5fbGVB7JEeK_lqwiQwC4AUpDwjK1vljvym9S0Sq2diIFZEL&typo=1> that included a link to a survey<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.gle%2fCUADjxrR7FuPHQGE8&c=E,1,xNyETZlVOgL_6paFKj4omQGwT7yNmu_F-7CWAclaxkI8g1soVaU0IBp7p49plW74TVVtxXKRwvNwM_dbSRhwhU8i3ExUUyaOME2SxiCMrLubC2gvyAmt2LqdsAaJ&typo=1>. We hope you will share this reminder with affiliate attendees who may have additional personal, individual thoughts to add to help us make our Ecosystem Toolkit the most useful it can be by representing your needs. And we hope you will remind others in the room for my visit. More answers are better - and we have a July 10 deadline for the survey!
    After a few comments in the course of our various conference meetings, we recognized that we needed to offer you all a definition of "Library Ecosystem". So, this now appears also on the survey - but I hate to make you wait for it:
    A library ecosystem is the interconnected network of all types of libraries, library workers, volunteers, and associations that provide and facilitate library services for community members; families; K-20 learners; college and university communities; local, state and federal legislatures and government offices; businesses; nonprofits; and other organizations with specific information needs.
    A patron of one library is the potential patron of any other library at a different time of life or location. No library exists independent of the library ecosystem. When we stand together in mutual support using common messaging themes that demonstrate this interconnectedness, every library is stronger.
    Again, thank you for letting us get the word out!
    All best,
    Dorcas Hand
    Chair, The State Ecosystem Task Force

    Blake Hopper
    Affiliate Assembly Chair
    Librarian Powell Valley Elementary/Middle School
    TASL Past President