AASL Chapters Forum

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  • 1.  Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 16, 2014 09:28 AM
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    Affiliate Assembly Chair, Merlyn Miller, has put this item on the agenda for Sunday (thanks, Merlyn!).  In response to the recent victory in VT of language reinstating the requirement of school librarians into their states educational quality standards, many of us feel that this needs to be updated across the country (as well as implementation of advocacy to assist with this process).  The attached document is from the Council of State School Library Consultants (which many states no longer have, BTW), and a good place to begin.  Please bring updated information with you to AA so that we may begin the updating process.  

    If you have had recent successful advocacy efforts in your state, bring those too!


  • 2.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 16, 2014 08:39 PM

    Yes, this was great news and such positive impact....certainly worth considering the language and process that supported the movement.     

  • 3.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 19, 2014 04:08 PM
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    Do states with better student per librarian ratios have state mandates for school librarians?


  • 4.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 21, 2014 06:48 PM
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    Here is the spreadsheet that I have begun to update information about state Ed requirements for school librarians.  Compiles only from replies via the aaslforum discussion.  If you have information to add about your state, please do!


  • 5.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 22, 2014 07:56 AM


    Our law states that each school library must be staffed by a certified librarian. The time allotted to each particular library is dependent on the enrollment numbers.

  • 6.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 22, 2014 01:08 PM


    Doh!  I don't know where my mind has been - it seems a bit of a sieve lately!  And if someone else has already provided this info, please forgive the duplication, but I don't think this has been noted and it should have occurred to me, well before this, to remind you (though those new to the Affiliate would not have been aware) that in 2012, The AASL Board established a Status of Staffing of School Libraries Task Force and they began work in earnest in 2013 under the chairmanship of Deborah Jesseman. Their final report will be presented to the Board at ALA in Las Vegas.  This will contain additional information that will be valuable. Some of you may also remember that the Task Force requested member participation in a survey related to their charge – I believe there was a post to the Forum and an individual email sent to all members, but again, my memory is fuzzy on that…FWIW, while the survey closed on 3/17, you can still take a look at the questions at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SLStaffing

    Anyway, the charge and functions of the Task Force are noted below and I think that the final report and recommendations will go a long way to getting out of the gate regarding concerns about where things stand for us right now.

    Charge: To research, investigate and provide suggestions and recommendations for appropriate action regarding the current status of staffing of school libraries and certification requirements for school librarians (and) to determine whether other staff are assuming school  librarian roles/responsibilities and/or if school librarians are assuming additional responsibilities outside their traditional purview.

    • Review the spectrum of current certification requirements to identify professional expectations.
    • Determine if school librarians have had traditional roles/responsibilities assigned to, or subsumed by, other school staff. If so, by whom and to what degree.
    • Determine any additional responsibilities school librarians have assumed and/or are expected to assume ongoing.
    • Research and investigate the process for school librarian evaluation in states implementing the CCSS and report on the related impact.
    • Indentify where there is need to educate decision and policy makers regarding the role and relevance of today’s school librarian.

     My apologies for not sharing this earlier…

  • 7.  RE: Updating of State Requirements for School Librarians document

    Posted Jun 22, 2014 07:05 PM
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    This spreadsheet has data from 2011 added.  The Task Force referred to in the post from Susan Ballard may have additional (or better) data; but, I thought I would still upload this for those that were interested.
