AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

Participation on this site is regulated by ALA’s Online Code of Conduct.

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Clock is Ticking and Challenge is On!

  • 1.  Clock is Ticking and Challenge is On!

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 07:42 AM


    Please share with your members.  Many thanks!  Audrey


    Monday morning greetings!

    Please, if you have not done so yet, invite your Representative and/or one (or both!) of your Senators to visit your school library during their spring recess.  Our federal legislators will be at home in their districts during the weeks of April 10 and April 17. Now, more than ever, our Congressmen/women need to understand the critical role that school libraries and school librarians play in student learning! 

    Thus far, we know that Representatives and Senators have received invitations in the following nine states:






    North Carolina




    *Don’t know how to locate contact information for your Representative/Senator?  Don’t know what to say?  Take a look at the March 17 KQ blog post (http://knowledgequest.aasl.org/invite-legislator-library/) for step-by-step instructions, sample messages, etc.

    *If your state is not on the list above, please send an invitation (or more than one) today!

     *If your state is on the list above, you are not off the hook.  If Representatives and Senators receive multiple invitations, all the better!

     *And, once you’ve issued that invitation, let AASL know by completing the brief form linked here http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/emf/aasl/legislator

    *Finally, share on social media using #Leg2SchLibrary. 

    Let’s invite 500+ federal legislators to visit school libraries during April, School Library Month, because School Libraries Empower Students!

    Thanks for all that you do every day for school libraries and for the students we serve.    Have a great day!

    Audrey Church, 2016-2017 AASL President