AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

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  • 1.  Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Jan 27, 2010 04:03 PM

    Hello Affiliate Members!

    It was great getting to see you at Midwinter in Boston!  Did you have time to enjoy some chowder?  I did and it would be really good right now as Chicago is hovering at about 8 degrees. 

    For those of you who were at Affiliate Assembly on Sunday, I hope you enjoyed the presentation by Helen Soulé from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.  Her Power point will be posted in this community shortly – keep an eye on the “Online Docs” section.  Also, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions from Helen’s presentation or if you would like to know if your state is applying for partnership status.

    I hope that many of you had the chance to attend AASL’s Premidwinter Institute -  Bringin' 'Em On! 21st-Century Skills Aligning with Standards.  For those of you who were unable to attend, I have some exciting news.  AASL has become a Partnership for 21st Century Skills Professional Development Affiliate!  What this means for you is the presentation at Midwinter is available as a licensed institute through AASL.  Licensed Institutes are full day educational workshops that are flexible, affordable, and convenient – they come to you!  Currently available for scheduling is:

    Bringin' 'Em On! 21st-Century Skills Aligning with Standards

    Get ready to infuse 21st century skills into your curriculum through a special one-day institute developed to help you understand how the AASL Standards for 21st-Century Learner, and the framework of Partnership for 21st Century Skills align to make it easier for you to integrate into your school or district’s current and future practices.

    During the institute key questions will be explored including:

    • What is the difference between P21 Framework and the Standards for 21st-Century Learner?
    • How are Standards for 21st-Century Learner aligned with the P21 Framework?
    • What skills will students need in the future?
    • How will the Standards for 21st-Century Learner empower students to address the world they will face?

    You will leave the institute with a customized plan of action to implement 21st century skills into your school or district curriculum.

    And coming in Fall 2010!

    Understanding the P21 Framework

    This Institute is designed to help education teams (school librarians, principals, teachers, administrators) learn how to fit the P21 Framework into their practice.  As a Partnership for 21st Century Skills Professional Development Affiliate, AASL will provide a trained facilitator to ground your school or district in a thorough understanding of the implementation of the P21 Framework.

    AASL is extremely proud to be able to offer you these institutes presented with the expertise of AASL members and P21 trained presenters, Pam Berger and Jackie Chetzron. To schedule your full day workshop, visit the AASL website or email aaslprofdev@ala.org


    P.S. While visiting the website, also be sure to check AASL's P21 section where you will find tools, resources, and the most up to date information on P21 and AASL!

  • 2.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Jan 29, 2010 03:44 PM

    Help with the P.S.  What website are you referring to?

  • 3.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Jan 29, 2010 06:25 PM

    I think Jennifer is referring to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills website.



  • 4.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Feb 13, 2010 03:11 PM

    I did a 1 hour presentation at my state's conference on P21 -- particularly since NJ is one of the state's that joined the initiative -- and I am on the Advisory Board.

    I am more than wiling to send it to anyone who is interested (I would attach it here if I could figure out how).  You are free to make any changes so that it is relevant to your audience.


  • 5.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Feb 16, 2010 12:28 PM

    Hi Hilda,

    I was just adding some documents to the L4L TF space in ALA Connect and I recollected your comment - here's how to add something to any Connect space.

    In the upper right-hand corner is Online Documents [add] - you have to click on the bracketed add in order to bring up "Create Online Doc" (took me a while to figure that out when I first needed to use it).  Select a title for your document (required field)  and then it's an option regarding selecting a year or ALA working group or creating your own tags. You can add comments too, but I usually just scroll down to the bottom and click on "Add file attachment" and then it is the usual drill of browsing your computer , selecting the file you want and then clicking attach.  Once the attachment is displayed, you have to click the submit button and then it's  done!

    Hope this helps, and looking forward to seeing your P21 presentation,


  • 6.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Feb 20, 2010 12:54 PM

    Thanks Susan.  I just posted it.



  • 7.  RE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Post Midwinter Updates

    Posted Feb 22, 2010 03:12 PM

    We are just about to launch a P21 section as part of AASL's website.  I'll update as soon as it is there. :)