AASL Chapters Forum

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Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

Irene Kwidzinski

Irene KwidzinskiNov 10, 2009 09:43 PM

Irene Kwidzinski

Irene KwidzinskiNov 14, 2009 03:24 PM

  • 1.  Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 10, 2009 09:43 PM

  • 2.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 12, 2009 07:59 PM


    Thank you for spearheading this, a great idea that will be lots of fun.  Just think, we can talk and talk and not be interrupting the business that brings us together.  Looking forward to this get-together.

    Cecelia Solomon

  • 3.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 13, 2009 10:45 AM

    Hope that TF members are welcome to attend too! ;-)

  • 4.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 14, 2009 03:24 PM


  • 5.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 16, 2009 08:49 AM


    I would absolutely love to meet.  Just let me know the particulars...I am there.  See you soon.







  • 6.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 30, 2009 07:03 PM

    I would love to participate. Of course, it will depend on the meeting time.

  • 7.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Nov 30, 2009 11:25 PM

    There is always the hotel room for councilors to meet if we have anything to discuss that would be relevant to council. Handy. Scheduling info will come out soon.

  • 8.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Dec 02, 2009 12:06 PM

    It would be great to meet.  I was a middle school librarian just outside DC and I'm about to start my doctoral research at UMD, mostly researching urban school libraries and their environment.  It would be great to participate in some good conversation and pick some of your brains about where you think the field is headed.

  • 9.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Dec 02, 2009 01:10 PM

    I will send out the particulars, ie when and where, once I have a better idea of how many people would attend.  I'll probably have that info a week or two before midwinter.

  • 10.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Dec 02, 2009 01:14 PM

    Great.  I think that you have a lot to offer.  We have already had an invitation to write an article(s) about urban libraries.  This topic needs to be in the forefront and was an AASL Affiliate Assembly concern in July.

  • 11.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Dec 02, 2009 01:16 PM

    Probably in the evening over a beverage?  When is a bad time because of a possible conflict?

  • 12.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 11, 2010 03:38 PM

    The Affiliate Assembly Roundtable on Saturday from 10:30 to 12:30  in BCC room 159 will include a discussion of urban school libraries as well as rural & suburban school libraries.  I will be facilitating the urban school libraries table discussion and hope that you will join the conversation.  We could also continue the discussion later in a more informal get together -- perhaps the Birch Bar at the Westin Waterfront which is connected to the BCC?  We can talk about that at the roundtable.


    See you soon.  Irene

  • 13.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 11, 2010 04:40 PM

    Hello Irene,

    I would love to attend, but I won't be in Boston for Mid-Winter.  I am studying and I have some work to get done.  I will be attending ALA annual here in D.C.  I would like  to meet and discuss then. 

    Could I have a copy of the handouts, notes, etc. from your presentation?

    Speak with you soon,        









  • 14.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 14, 2010 05:15 PM

    I am unable to attend the 10:30 meeting, but would be available for a later

    meeting. I am at the Sheraton. I will also be at the all committee meeting.

    Phyllis Fisher

    Retired, NYCSLS

  • 15.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 16, 2010 04:06 PM

    I sent out a Tweet earlier today.  We decided to meet at the Birch Bar at the Westin at 5:30.  Hope to see you there.

  • 16.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 17, 2010 09:02 AM

    Well, it was just Andre and me last night enjoying a brew.  With so much going on, I know that it is difficult to meet.  We were with a good crowd though, the LitTweet group was there as well.


    Andre and I are going to try to offer another get-together at annual in DC. Perhaps a dinner get together?  After all, we do have to eat at some time!


    There was a great Affiliate Assembly roundtable that discussed urban school library as part of its conversation about "significant problems for school library media centers in differing environments."  I will write up a summary of that discussion and post it to this community.  Perhaps it will generate additional comments.



  • 17.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 17, 2010 09:04 AM

    Phyllis, both Andre and I are also at the Sheraton.  I'll be there until Monday afternoon.  Andre is leaving this evening.  You can contact me via cell 860-318-6759 or leave a message at the desk.  Hope you are enjoying the conference.

  • 18.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 17, 2010 11:24 AM

    Hello all!  I missed the meeting because I had to attend another meeting.  However, I would love to meet an annual.  I hope that I do not have a conflict.  In the meantime, would someone who attended the meeting post a summary?  Perhaps we could start a discussion and have some talking points for a meeting at annual.  Thanks!


  • 19.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 21, 2010 01:53 PM

    Since it was only Andre and I, we will put down our talking points shortly.  Sorry that we missed meeting you in person.  Let's see if we can carve out a good time at annual for us to get together.  Any ideas on a good time slot?

  • 20.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 21, 2010 02:17 PM

    Hi Irene,


    Thank you.  I will be looking for the talking points.  I don't know what workshops I will be attending in D.C. but the evening is pretty good for me.  Maybe, an early dinner? 

    Let's chat.  Thanks.


  • 21.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 21, 2010 07:01 PM

    Andre lives in DC and knows the area well.  We'll have to chat about the possibility of an early dinner get-together.  I have to look at the preliminary schedule that we got with the registration packet to see when there would be a good day to meet that doesn't conflict with vendor receptions, etc.  That should be a challenge!

  • 22.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 22, 2010 02:28 PM

    Sorry I missed the Urban Schools meeting; I would like to become a part of the group.   Meeting in DC for dinner would be a good idea.  It would give us a chance to get to know one another and discuss issues in a relaxed atmosphere. Thank you for suggesting it.

  • 23.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 23, 2010 09:50 PM

    Hi All!

    I missed the meeting because I was trying to attend 3 simultaneously in person. LOL. I did rush over and talk to lots of my Great ALA Children's /YA Tweet-Up friends and couldn't locate you in the 200+ crowd. Remember that Exhibits will open Friday night at annual this year.

  • 24.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted Jan 27, 2010 11:37 AM

    Jen Habley just sent me a link to a great article in the January 25,2010 Eduction Week "Scholars Identify 5 Keys to Urban School Success."  I think you will find it interesting.

  • 25.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted May 12, 2010 10:30 AM

    Will meet during All-Committee on Monday from 2 - 4.  Here's the wiki to watch.  I would welcome any comments to share with the TF.

  • 26.  RE: Poll: Interested in meeting other urban school librarians at ALA midwinter in Boston and/or ALA annual in Washington D.C.?

    Posted May 12, 2010 10:30 AM
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Dolores Gwaltney: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Kathleen McBroom: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Deanna Draper: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Barbara Ray: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Gail Formanack: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marilyn Lewis: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Phyllis Fisher: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Susan Ballard: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cecelia Solomon: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Diane Chen: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Margaret Sullivan: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andre Taylor: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Vicki Emery: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Betty Meyer: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Lemmons: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ann Schuster: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Katrina Wicks: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Karen Egger: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Doc Roth: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Marie Sabol: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Becky Robinson: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jo Ann Conlon: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Sabrina Carnesi: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Ashley Robertson: ALA midwinter in Boston
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Shari-Ruth Goodwin: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Cristol Kapp: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Andrea Ange: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jane Horsefield: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Lori Carter: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Linda Wooster: ALA annual in Washington D.C.
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Nancy McEnanly: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual
    Feb 13 2009 6:31PM Jeffrey DiScala: Both midwinter and annual