AASL Chapters Forum

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Membership in the AASL Chapters Forum is open to all and may include the state-level school library association’s president/chair, other officers, conference chair, etc. Past Delegates and other interested stakeholders from the association may join the forum. This space provides an opportunity to share, discuss and ask questions from chapter colleagues across the country.

Participation on this site is regulated by ALA’s Online Code of Conduct.

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  • 1.  Welcome!

    Posted Oct 27, 2009 08:18 AM

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to the new Affiliate Assembly Connect Community!  I'm very glad you've found your way here.  We're up to 42 members!  This is a bit short of the subscribed members to the email list, but I'm confident our ranks will grow.  If you know of anyone from your state who should be a part of this community, please do encourage them to join.

    As a way to explore and 'test drive' this community, let's all introduce ourselves here.  My name is Jennifer Habley and I am the Manager of Programs and Affiliate Relations for AASL.  If you ever are in need of something, please do contact me at jhabley@ala.org.  I have a degree in Anthropology from Northern Illinois University - the college that unfortunately made national headlines two Valentines Days ago.  I have a fierce pride for my alma mater and hope to go back one day soon and add to my education.  Other than that, I spend my time knitting, reading, and watching hockey.

    Edit: And for those who don't know, I have the three most adorable cats in the world.  Well, in my biased opinion. :)

    How about you?


  • 2.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 27, 2009 09:27 AM

    My name is Melissa Gardner and I am one of the delegates from Kentucky.  I am also serving this year as secretary for the Affiliate Assembly.  I teach at the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!) in the School of Library and Information Science where I coordinate the program for school librarians.  I earned my MSLS from UK and have almost completed my doctorate in education--just finishing that pesky dissertation.  I have two kids, Katelyn (5) and Sean (12) and I am married to a wonderfully supportive husband, Lee. 

    Looking forward to hearing from the other members!


  • 3.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 27, 2009 01:21 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    I am Hilda Weisburg and I laughlingly say I ensures that AASL is responsible and responsive to its members.

    I have my MLS from Columbia University from the days when it had a library school.  I was fortunate enough to have the esteemed Francis Henne as my advisor --- and was too young and too stupid to realize just how famous she was within our profession. 

    I am technically retired --- that is I no longer work at my day job as a high school SLMS but I am very active in our profession.  I serve on 2 ALA committees and am Chairing the National Institute (Fall Forum) 2010.   I also do workshops and, with Ruth Toor,  am in the middle of our second book for ALA Editions entitled "Being Indispensable."

    On a personal level, I have been working on a dream I thought I buried a long time ago and am writing fantasy novels.  I have completed my first for YAs -- and am trying to find an agent. (That's a tough job in a tight market when you don't have a publishing historty in fiction.  -- If you have a copntact, let me know.  I'll be forever grateful.)



  • 4.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 27, 2009 03:12 PM

    Hi all! I am Karen Appleton and the Iowa delegate to Affiliate Assembly. I am employed by one of our state's 10 (soon to be nine) area education agencies, institutions similar to BOCES, REMCs ESUs, ESDs, IUs...you get the rhythm and tone! My responsibilities include consulting with our schools (a total of 48 districts in northwest/north central Iowa) for their wants and needs in instructional media and instructional technology. But since that can't possibly keep me busy (my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek right now) I am also labeled and called upon as a "school improvement" consultant. All this because I am a teacher-librarian by training and trade.

    But on the brighter side, I have the proud distinction of having been some sort of example to our children, as our two older daughters are both MILS graduates and our youngest is currently pursuing an education degree, intending to become an English/Language Arts teacher...sort of like her mom! We are all fortunate to have a wonderful hsuband and father who keeps us grounded!

    I share a passion with Jen, in that I pass happy time by knitting; sewing is another practice that gives me satisfaction. Seriously! I also have discovered that I can enjoy reading ebooks on my Palm when I am in a waiting room or just in waiting mode generally. I recently finished "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova: I am sure people wondered what was on my PDA that caused me to weep from time to time!


  • 5.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 27, 2009 04:57 PM

    Hi, everyone.

    I am Nancy Dickinson, past director of Region IV and the chair-elect of Affiliate Assembly. I am a PreK-5 school librarian and have been one for 31 years. I am so excited at this late point in my career because I am getting a new library in about 3 weeks. I was told to move out of my existing facility by the week before Thanksgiving, but the shelving will not be installed until the end of the year. The transition should be interesting!

    I live with my two girls, a Lab named Betsy and a Chow/Lab mix named Frannie. I also have Rocky, a tiger-striped cat. I spend way too much time on Facebook and lm_net, and I also like to read (big surprise!). And even though things are grim, I am a huge fan of the Tennessee Titans! I go to every home game, win or lose, rain or shine. I am also a fan of the Florida State Seminoles (where I earned my MLS in 1978).

    I look forward to seeing everyone in Boston!


  • 6.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 28, 2009 09:23 AM

    Hey Everyone! 

    I am Val Edwards.  I am currently both the delegate to Affiliate Assembly from the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA) and I the Region III Director-Elect.

    In real life, I am the IMC Director at Monona Grove High School.  A 9-12 building of about 930 students on the eastern edge of Madison, Wisconsin.  LOVE IT!!!

    My husband, David, and I just successfully completed the Austin Livestrong Challenge Ride (90 miles) as a fundraiser for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.  That was quite an experience, I spent a lot of time muttering "hate wind, hate hills".  Our involvement as members of "Team Fatty" has an interesting "social media" component as well. 

    And finally, I am the bragging companion of a 2 yr old dalmatian, Hazel.  She is a genius!

    Looking forward to Boston!


  • 7.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Oct 28, 2009 07:35 PM

    My name is Pat Massey and I'm the current president of New Jersey Association of School Librarians. I'm a high school SLMS and have been in my current position for over 20 years. I've also worked as a librarian in grades K-8. I live with my very supportive husband, and enjoy visiting with our four adult children.

    I have an MLS from Rutgers, a M. Ed from Seton Hall, and numerous library credits from Caldwell College and Newark State that prompted me to begin my career as a "Teacher-Librarian." I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Charlotte.