RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

RMRT Minutes June 28,2014 

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Feb 02, 2015 09:16 AM

Thank you for posting the minutes so quickly to keep us all informed.

Jan 30, 2015 01:49 PM



Saturday, June 28, 2014, 10:00 – 11:30 am, LVCC-N211, Las Vegas


Introductions:   President Carolyn Caywood welcomed everyone and introduced Ma’lis Wendt, President-elect.  Members introduced themselves.


Minutes from Midwinter:   Interim Secretary Rheda Epstein explained difficulty getting minutes posted to ALA Connect.


Treasurer’s Report:  George Abbot reported balances as of April 2014. 

            Income YTD is $3,338 (including $1,000 for the Horrocks award).

            Expenses YTD are $477.

            Beginning net assets (carryover from previous year) is $4,727.

            Current available unrestricted funds are $6.065.


RMRT membership is 202 as of May 31, 2014.   He reminded us that the fiscal year is September 1 - August 31. 


Pat Hogan, Liaison to Planning & Budget Assembly, said that this meeting has not yet occurred and she will report in writing to RMRT.


Round Table Coordinating Assembly:  Carolyn Caywood, Jennifer Gallant, George Abbott and Pat Hogan attended the meeting.  There was lot of discussion, but no decisions.  The Assembly will not meet at Midwinter. 


Membership:  Ann Marie Pipkin reported that booth activity is slow.  RMRT booth is located at ALA Membership book, outside of the ALA Store and not in the exhibits. 


Council Activities and Hot Topics:  Jennifer Gallant reported on Friday’s meeting.  RMRT is considered very knowledgeable among the small round tables.  Issue of holding actual vs. virtual meeting at Midwinter was discussed.  Vendors are being polled on this issue.


Communication with Small Round Table List Serv is:  SMRTCouncil@ala.org.



Hot topic question is should RMRT support memorial resolutions and tributes.  ALA recommended that RMRT not get into memorial resolutions or tributes.  Consensus was to co-sponsor with other with RMRT Board’s approval.


Future Planning, Committees, Task Forces, San Francisco:  Ma’lis Wendt presented information on “Old Librarians Never Die They Jump Out of Airplanes:  Adventuring Through the Senior Years in Indiana,” by Marie J. Albertson as possible program for San Francisco.  We agreed to pursue this speaker for ALA 2015 m and will try for Saturday afternoon program.


Ma’lis distributed preliminary draft of RMRT Procedures Manual.  Bylaws and communications sections will be added.  Members were asked to review the draft and send comments to Ma’lis.


There are two task forces which need members to develop criteria for RMRT Book Lists and RMRT Film/Media List.  If interested contact Don Reynolds  don.reynolds2030@gmail.com or Diana D. Shonrock  sgibrock@iastate.edu.


Ad Hoc Survey Committee:  Delores Meglio, Twyla McConnell and Linda Fein gave the results of the 7 question survey.  There were only 20 responses, but the information will give direction to future RMRT activities and undertakings.


Social Committee:   Pam Klipsch said 20 people attended the Friday night dinner at Pamplemouse which is a classic French restaurant. 


Fundraising, Excursions:  Jennifer Gallant researched Lyceum, the travel service company, which ALA uses.  Lyceum will do domestic or oversea riverboat theme cruises for group of 20-30 people.   RMRT would get a percentage of sponsored cruises.


Henry DuBois mentioned RMRT outing on Monday  to University of Nevada to discover the OSHER Learning Program.  Best way there is by cab.   Individuals attending may wish to coordinate transportation.



Blog & Facebook:  Carolyn Caywood mentioned that RMRT has a Facebook page

http://www.facebook.com/ALARMRT and Blog  http://rmrtblog.ala.org/rmrt .   Valerie Feinman said that there are RS feed problems with new posts on the blog.


United for Libraries:   Carolyn Caywood and Nicholas Spillios reported on this association.  Its purpose is to bring together trustees, friends and foundations into a partnership to create a force for libraries in the 21st century.  They hold all day program at Midwinter and Annual conferences.


Other Business: 

What states have RMRT chapters?   New York & Kansas.


Senior celebrity as honoree patron.  George Spillios suggested RMRT consider asking a senior celebrity to be RMRT honoree patron.   Suggested persons are Betty White, Jane Fonda or Angela Lansbury.


Thanks yous.  Ma’lis thanked the following for their service on the board - Therese Bigelow (Past President), George Abbott (Treasurer), and Carolyn Caywood (President).



Naomi Angier will coordinate housing match-ups for members seeking roommates.


RMRT Program is Saturday, 3:00-4:30 pm, LVCC-N258.  “Retirement Fundamentals:  Are You Ready to Retire?” is a joint sponsorship with ALA

Development Office.



Respectfully submitted,


Rheda Epstein


Interim Secretary


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