RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

RMRT Minutes 06-25-2016 

Jan 18, 2017 03:17 PM



Saturday, June 25, 2016, 8:45 – 10:00 am

Orlando, FL

Rosen Centre Hotel, Salon 15/16



Call to order:  President Vivian Wynn called the meeting to order at 8:47 a.m.   She welcomed everyone.

Agenda modified to move ALA Executive Board Liaison report next.


Report from ALA Executive Board Liaison:  John DeSantis reported on Orlando conference and special Pulse memorial.  Registration figures about 15,400.  ALA membership us up (58,919 as of May) United for Libraries accounts for good portion of membership.


Dr. Carla Hayden nominated to serve as Librarian of Congress is on-going.  There are no obstacles to her appointment.  Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion approved all 58 recommendations.  Library of Congress Subject Headings Aliens and Illegal Aliens are being considered for less pejorative headings.  Issue is political correctness vs. access.


Introductions:  Members and guests introduced themselves. 


Approval of Midwinter Minutes:   Ma’lis Wendt moved to approve minutes with minor changes to names and typos.  Valerie Feinman seconded motion.   Updated version will be placed on ALA Connect.


Treasurer’s Report:  Pat Hoganreported balance of $13,361 as of April 2016.  There are 214 personal members and 1 organizational member.  Costs for RMRT Presidential program and roundtable conference calls were discussed, but no decisions were made. Joan Larson asked if fund raising is considered, the reasons should be shown and included in the budget.


Report from BARC Liaison:  Ann Martin explained the budget cycles through 2018 for ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee.  ALA is financially strong and is almost on track for revenue and expenses.  FY17 budget is over $65 million.


Nominating Committee:  Ma’lis Wendt and Vivian Wynn announced the election results.

President Elect                  Ann Marie Pipkin

Assistant Treasurer         Hannah Pickworth

                Secretary                             Nann Hilyard

                Directors                              Joan Atkinson & Nancy Bolt

Ma’lis will add new officers to the handbook.  Vivian will chair the nominating committee.  Officers and committee roster also will be on ALA Connect.


Membership Committee:  Pat Hogan reported for Teri Switzer.  Email invitations to join RMRT were sent to all retirees announced in American Libraries.  Catherine Marriott asked if there are retiree sections at state level.  Discuss pursued on contacting state library associations, but nothing was finalized.


Fund Raising Committee:  Therese Bigelow was unable to attend.  Vivian Wynn said that it was not prudent to spend without bringing money into RMRT.  Suggestions on how to raise funds were raised, but right idea has yet to be found.  RMRT dinner is the most popular.  It was suggested that a small surcharge ($5) be paid to cover expenses of reservation, etc.  This motion was passed.



Small Round Table Coordinating Assembly Report:  Jennifer Gallant mentioned resolutions on appreciation of Congressional champions for support of school libraries in Every Student Succeeds Act, equity in all school library community, and ALA support for Spectrum Scholarship Program.  There will be new resolution on shooting in Orlando, denouncing violence and LGBT discrimination, relationship between state chapters and ALA Executive Board.  Vivian Wynn, Nancy Bolt, William Paullin and Rosanne Cordell expressed concern about wording in the resolution.


The effectiveness and cost “Libraries Transform” campaign was discussed.  RMRT wondered why each new ALA President had a separate initiative if the previous campaign was not completed



President’s Program in Orlando:  Vivian Wynn announced that "Fast and Easy: Advocacy that YOU can do with ALA” will be held on Sunday, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., OCCC Room W106


President’s Program in Chicago:  Jean Doolittle presented possible topics (grandparent economy and how to use our skill in retirement).   Catherine Marriott suggested panel discussion on what people are

doing in retirement.



Book Discussion Meeting:  Rosina Alaimo will chair the book discussion in this room, immediately after the Board Meeting.


Program and Meeting Times at Midwinter:  Jean Doolittle asked for recommendations.  Consensus was to be consistent and try to same day and time slots.


Other Issues of Interest:

Valerie Feinman was appointed ACLR Liaison to RMRT.  She asked if there are ways to combine forces or co-sponsor forum at Midwinter or Annual.  This is a great possibility and will give visibility to RMRT.



Adjournment:  Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:33 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Rheda Epstein




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