RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

RMRT Minutes 01/09/2016 

Jun 24, 2016 03:16 PM

Retired Members Round Table

Board Meeting

Saturday, January 9, 2016, 8:30 – 10:00 am

BCEC 205C, Boston, MA


 Introductions:   President Vivian Wynn called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.  She welcomed everyone.  Members and guests introduced themselves.

ALA Executive Board Liaison:  Rob Banks reported that ALA membership is up, especially student and Midwinter registration also is up.  He discussed Libraries Transform campaign. 

Bob stated that ALA thrust is for every trustee become member.  There are 3,000 trustees from United for Libraries.   Carolyn Caywood inquired if RMRT could give one year free membership or reduced rate to continuing members of ALA?  This would encourage retirees to stay active in ALA.  Bob will get a definitive statement.

Minutes:   Judy Jeng served as Acting Secretary at San Francisco ALA.  Ma’lis Wendt moved to accept the minutes and Jennifer seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Pat Hogan reported balance as of October 2015 is $11,572.   RMRT membership is 211 (189 are personal members).

Nominating Committee:  Ma’lis Wendt, Past President, presented the proposed slate of officers.

 President Elect (3 year term)              Ann Marie Pipkin

 Secretary (2 year term)                      Naomi Angier & Nann Hilyard

 Assistant Treasurer                            Hannah Pickworth

 Director (2 year term)                        Joan Atkinson, Nancy Bolt & Carolyn Mulac         

Ballots will go out in March.  Ma’lis mentioned that RMRT had the highest election participation of ALA units.

Round Table Coordinating Assembly:  Ma’lis Wendt represent RMRT.   Vivian Wynn, Jennifer Jung Gallant, and Pat Hogan also attended.  Discussion included sending message to ALA membership about the value of round tables, providing better job descriptions of offices, redoing brochure to reflect positive reasons to belong to round tables, having employers support going to conferences, and having joint round tables happy hour.

Small Round Table Councilor:  Jennifer Jung Gallant stated the Council was remarkably quite.  Council Caucus will met tonight and will focus on resolution on how to get things done.  Minority Caucus will consider combining Office of Diversity and Office for Outreach & Literacy Services.  ALA is tweaking contract language for articles to be published in American Libraries.

President’s Program in Orlando:  Vivian Wynn stated that program will be on diversity.  Speakers will be Emily Sheketoff, ALA Washington Office and Marci Merol, Office for Advocacy and a third person.  Timeframe is traditionally one hour, but she will request 1.5 hour time slot (1st - Saturday, 3 p.m. & 2nd - Monday afternoon).  Co-sponsors are to be determined.

Orlando Program on Diversity:  Carolyn Caywood presented possible program ideas, but received little response from RMRT members.  She will email us on final plans. 

Book Discussion Meeting at Midwinter:  Nann Hilyard mentioned that first meeting is 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.   We discussed possible time slots for Orlando ALA.  Nann will not attend Orlando ALA and Rosina Alaimo volunteered to lead the discuss group.

Other Committee Reports: 

  Membership - Terry Switzer will email report.

  Fund Raising – Suggested travel ideas and polling other groups with retirees were mentioned.

  Horrocks Award – March 1 is the deadline for applications

  Legislative – Lynne Bradley stepped down as chair.  Ma’lis Wendt will service as chair.

  Membership - Terry Switzer will email report.

  Social – Carolyn Caywood reported for Pam Klipsch that 30 people had dinner at Dry Dock Café. 

Other Liaison Reports:

 Legislative Assembly - Ma’lis Wendt said they will meet on Monday.

 Advocacy Coordinating Group – Meeting is on Monday.  They are seeking co-sponsorship    for President Program.

Relationships with Other Retirement Groups:  Ma’lis Wendt discussed Ex Libris, independent Canadian librarian group.  Several state library organizations have retired members units.  Joan Larson and Nann Hilyard suggested sponsoring travel tours with these groups.

Possible Candidate Presentations:  Jim Neal approached Vivian Wynn and was willing to answer any questions RMRT had about this candidacy.  He became a RMRT member.  Carolyn Caywood as if other candidates are RMRT members.  Information was unknown.

Update of the Bylaws:  Ma’lis Wendt stated that bylaws will be reviewed at Midwinter.  Bylaws are working well.  Election cycle is now in order.  If changes are needed, they will be on spring ballot. 

Program and Meeting Times at Annual:  Vivian Wynn will request Saturday, 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. time slot with the book discussion group. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Adjournment:  Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Rheda Epstein




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