RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

Minutes Summer Board Meeting 2012 

Sep 20, 2012 09:59 AM

Retired Members Round Table Executive Board Meeting I Minutes

American Library Association Annual Conference Anaheim

Saturday, June 23, 2012

8:00 – 10:00

 Welcome and Introduction of Officers

Therese Bigelow, President introduced the officers:

Vice-President-President-Elect:    Carolyn Caywood
Treasurer:                  Jennifer Gallant [In Absentia]
Assistant Treasurer:              George Abbott
Secretary:                 Kathleen Kluegel
Directors:          Sue Kamm, Valerie Feinman, Ma’lis Wendt, Joan B Larson,

Members in Attendance:
Pam Klipsch, Member
Ann Marie Pipkin, Member

Treasurer’s Report

George Abbott reported on the state of the treasury as of April 2012:
Income:        1666   in dues
             560   in donations
Total:             2226

Expenditures:        461   in printing costs
            168   in overages
Total:             629

Balance:        1597

Expected costs:    600 for 2013 program
Possible expense:    500 for RMRT ribbons [Therese will follow up.]


RMRT had a successful first social event with the dinner in Anaheim.   There is a tentative plan for dinner in Seattle.   It is expected that the Social Committee (to be established) will select a restaurant close to the conference with a moderately priced menu. 

The baseball game will take place this afternoon. 

RMRT had a very robust experience at the Membership Pavilion.  RMRT volunteers fielded many requests for information about the group.   The fans were VERY popular!! 


The RMRT Board established the Membership Committee.  Ann Marie Pipkin agreed to serve as chair. 

The RMRT Board established the Social Committee.  Pam Klipsch agreed to serve as chair. The Social Committee is responsible for the Conference dinner.  Other social events, such as tours will be handled by a temporary ‘local’ committee to be designated for each conference.

The RMRT Board established the Awards Committee.  It will serve as the judging committee for the Scarecrow Press Award and the Norman Horrocks Award.  Barbara Mates will be asked to continue as chair.  Carolyn Caywood and Jim Rettig will continue as members.

 RMRT By-Laws

The RMRT Board reviewed the Draft By-Laws and made several revisions.  

Section IV.  Insert IV.E.  Executive Board will review the By-Laws at MidWinter

Section V.B. [corrected a typo]:  The President shall appoint the Nominating Committee, to be chaired by the Immediate Past President, for the next election cycle.

Section VIII.A.  delete “and in the same locality.” 

Section VIII.C. Delete in its entirety and re-letter the following sections.

Section X.C.  Replace “to be conducted by mail ballot.” with “to be conducted according to standard ALA procedures.”

Revisions were approved by the Board and will be placed on the ballot.

[Secretary Note:   Post-Conference revisions to the By-Laws were proposed and discussed online.] 

2013 Conference Social Activities

Possible social activities for MidWinter meeting in Seattle:
Harbor Boat Tour
    Bainbridge Island Tour

Possible social activities associated with the Annual Conference in Chicago.
Architectural Boat Tour
Art Institute

Fundraising Activities

Kathleen Kluegel reported that Jim Neal came to RTCA and discussed the need for round tables to host fundraising activities.  Some ideas for outings that have potential for this include post-Conference daytrips:

    Train trip to Springfield for a Lincoln-focused activities
    Frank Lloyd Wright architectural tour – Springfield’s Robie House or Oak Park’s many FLW buildings.

Kathleen Kluegel and Ann Marie Pipkin will investigate the possibilities and report back to the Board by MidWinter.  They will coordinate plans with Pam Klipsch for dinner. 

Program Planning

The Board discussed the question:  Does RMRT need to produce a program at ALA Annual Conferences or is it better to do other things?

Generally, the points in favor of an annual program related to improved visibility of the group; establishing and maintaining credibility of the group as more than just a social committee; providing opportunities to partner with other groups; providing value to members.  Given the tight timeframes of the program planning process, Therese will proceed to appoint a program committee to work on the program for 2013 in Chicago.  

There were several ideas discussed at the meeting.  Most focused on some form of mentoring new members.   Therese will look into partnering with New Members Round Table on a program on ‘how to make ALA work for you.’  Therese will welcome other ideas to be kept in a pool for future years.

 Seattle Meeting

Therese will book a meeting space for 8am Saturday for MidWinter.  Carolyn will post a request to all RMRT membership for a website administrator.  Kathleen will develop a committee interest application form for members.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Kluegel, Secretary.


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Sep 23, 2012 09:13 AM

We would be very interested. How do we proceed?

Sep 23, 2012 05:52 AM

LLAMA is considering an architectural boat tour as a fundraiser in Chicago at Annual.  Might be an opportunity there for a joint divisions-RT event.  And LLAMA has staff who would, presumably, be able to do the logitics and registration stuff.

Jim Rettig

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 12:07 PM, ALA Connect <connect@ala.org> wrote:

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