RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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last person joined: 5 days ago 

The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 20, 2020 10:27 AM
    Edited by Robert Holley Jun 22, 2020 08:06 AM

    What follows is a short summary of the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly: AC 2020 Virtual PBA/BARC/Division Leadership meeting, held on Friday, June 19. I was invited as the treasurer for RMRT. I'm keeping the summary short and hitting only the high points as I see them. Much more information can be found in various ALA documents available on the website.

    1. The last accurate budget statements are dated January 30, 2020 because ALA outsourced its budget operations to India. Normally, this move would have worked well; but COVID 19 intervened and negatively affected the Indian firm. Efforts are underway to get more recent financial information.
    2. President-Elect Julius Jefferson plans a virtual tour of eleven different library organizations as part of his presidential initiative. The stops are intended to reflect the diversity of the membership and various types of libraries.
    3. Maggie Farrell, ALA Treasurer, and Peter Hepburn, BARC, outlined the current ALA financial situation and presented a very preliminary FY2021 budget. Current projections, hampered by the lack of accurate recent financial data, project an increased deficit for FY2020. The focus, however, was on budgeting for FY2021. Revenue is declining in all three major areas: membership, conferences, and publishing. Reasons include: cancellation of the ALA annual conference, the outdated operating agreement, increased operation costs from COVID-19, unanticipated spending for the headquarters move, and ongoing IT equipment depreciation. With multiple concrete steps planned for Summer 2020, ALA leadership is looking at multiple strategies to increase revenue, reduce expenses, and update financial data. The focus will continue to be to provide members with quality services and support. The very preliminary FY2021 budget requires an additional $5 million to balance a budget of just over $40 million. To do so, ALA staff will have 23 furlough days ($250,000). Two federal "loans" will provide $2.7 million. The ALA line of credit will be increased by $600,000, and $1.5 million will be borrowed from the endowment. My personal concern is that, except for the furlough days, all the other strategies increase future obligations unless the government forgives the loans.
    4. Revision of the current Operating Agreement (OA) was the final topic. In the simplest terms, the OA defines how much ALA sub-units pay for the indirect services they receive from central ALA according to a set of complex rules. The current agreement is 30 years old and is judged to require revision. A committee is being appointed to complete this task. The round tables will have representation. Currently, RMRT does not pay this overhead but is instead assessed 10% of its dues. Divisions are subject to the rules of OA but don't pay a percentage of their dues. The new OA will probably make the round tables, including RMRT, subject to the same rules as the divisions. While I make this projection with great hesitation, RMRT appears to me to have fewer activities that will be subject to OA contributions than some other round tables. RMRT officers will need to actively watch developments and provide input as needed.


    Bob Holley
    RMRT Treasurer and
    Professor Emeritus, Wayne State University

  • 2.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 22, 2020 02:48 AM

    Hi Bob,

    Thank you for the report of the meeting.  I'm going to attend the Governance Meeting tomorrow to see what they say about round tables.




    Nancy Bolt

    Nancy Bolt & Associates . 11710 West 76th Drive . Arvada, CO 80005 . Office: 303 642 0338

    303 642 0338  (preferred)

    303 905 9347 (mobile)




    What are you reading?  Buy books from local stores.  They need your business more than Amazon.

    Now Reading:  Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.  Thought provoking book about the history of humans told in the context of three revolutions:  cognitive, agricultural, and scientific.  He also proposes that civilization came together as one through three factors:  money, empires, and religion.  Fascinating read.

    Last MovieRED with Bruce Willis, Mary Ann Parker, Helen Mirren, John Malkovitch, and Morgan Freeman.  Great cast.  Lots of humor.  Very violent.  Karl Urban from new Star Trek series.  On Paramont with way too many commercials. 


  • 3.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 22, 2020 09:10 PM

    And they didn't say anything about Round Tables at the meeting today.

    I'm guessing it will come up when they discuss later.


    Nancy Bolt

    Nancy Bolt & Associates . 11710 West 76th Drive . Arvada, CO 80005 . Office: 303 642 0338

    303 642 0338  (preferred)

    303 905 9347 (mobile)




    What are you reading?  Buy books from local stores.  They need your business more than Amazon.

    Now Reading:  Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.  Thought provoking book about the history of humans told in the context of three revolutions:  cognitive, agricultural, and scientific.  He also proposes that civilization came together as one through three factors:  money, empires, and religion.  Fascinating read.

    Last MovieRED with Bruce Willis, Mary Ann Parker, Helen Mirren, John Malkovitch, and Morgan Freeman.  Great cast.  Lots of humor.  Very violent.  Karl Urban from new Star Trek series.  On Paramont with way too many commercials. 


  • 4.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 22, 2020 09:41 PM

    Hi Diedre,

    Thank you so much.  These I actually had.  What I don't know is how I get the links to the regular programs I want to attend.  Any idea?

    I've posted this question twice on ALA Connect with no response.  I called ALA and conference planning is telling how to get a hotel in Chicago for the conference, and the switch operators no nothing.  If you know the answer, please let us know.



    Nancy Bolt

    Nancy Bolt & Associates . 11710 West 76th Drive . Arvada, CO 80005 . Office: 303 642 0338

    303 642 0338  (preferred)

    303 905 9347 (mobile)




    What are you reading?  Buy books from local stores.  They need your business more than Amazon.

    Now Reading:  Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.  Thought provoking book about the history of humans told in the context of three revolutions:  cognitive, agricultural, and scientific.  He also proposes that civilization came together as one through three factors:  money, empires, and religion.  Fascinating read.

    Last MovieRED with Bruce Willis, Mary Ann Parker, Helen Mirren, John Malkovitch, and Morgan Freeman.  Great cast.  Lots of humor.  Very violent.  Karl Urban from new Star Trek series.  On Paramont with way too many commercials. 




  • 5.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 23, 2020 07:18 PM
    I tried to answer Nancy earlier in email. I didn't realize the message had been posted here.
    Diedre Conkling
    "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."―Maya Angelou

  • 6.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 24, 2020 08:37 PM

    I finally learned that there were not links.  The programs just start.  I also learned you needed a special code to sign in besides your membership number and that some (all) of the programs are recorded so if you have conflicting programs, you can watch one and then the other.  And I finally learned how to find the program I wanted.  But I learned all of this trial and error. 


    I wish they had sent a message a couple of days ago that said:

    *            Here is your sign in number in addition (or instead of, not sure which) to access the conference

    *            There no link, program will start on time

    *            There will be  sign before the program starts to show you that you are in the session you want 

    *            You can always go to the schedule and just click on the arrow to watch live or watch delayed


    Nancy Bolt

    Incoming Chair-Elect

    Retired Members Round Table

    303 642 0338 (preferred)

    303 905 9347 (mobile)





  • 7.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 25, 2020 09:01 PM
    I completely agree. It ended up being simple today but yesterday was learning curve day.

    Robbie Thomas

  • 8.  RE: Summary of ALA Planning and Budget Assembly Meeting, June 19, 2020

    Posted Jun 25, 2020 10:31 PM

    I also want to say that I did get help from ALA staff.  They were as helpful as they could be.


    Nancy Bolt

    Incoming Chair-Elect

    Retired Members Round Table

    303 642 0338 (preferred)

    303 905 9347 (mobile)
