RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)

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The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall exist to develop programs of particular interest to retired persons from all types of libraries and all forms of library services, including formal opportunities for continued involvement and learning; a variety of leadership training and opportunities for mentoring; lifelong professional involvement and networking; and active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship.

Visit the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) on the ALA website.

  • 1.  RMRT Revised Bylaws Draft 3

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 10:25 AM
    The Bylaws Task Force of ALA's Round Table Coordinating Assembly (RTCA) requested that all RTs align their bylaws to increase uniformity among the 20 RT bylaws.  The task force believes it is important to do this because:

    "● One of our chief aims in undertaking this effort was to simplify the process of round table
    governance and administration. Our staff liaisons at ALA Headquarters work hard to
    ensure that our round tables run smoothly and have the resources we need. Currently,
    the considerable variations between our 20 sets of bylaws make their work more difficult
    than it needs to be.
    ● Bylaws variation also leads to confusion among members who are active in more than
    one round table. Bringing more consistency to our operations will reduce a number of
    barriers to involvement for you and other members.
    ● Lastly, we hope that Forward Together and ALA Council will acknowledge the round
    tables' efforts to streamline our governing documents and therefore not compel us to
    adopt just one document."

    The RMRT Bylaws Revision Committee worked diligently to present this draft to the members for comment.  Please read this draft and make any comments to this discussion.  Comments will be considered by the committee before the the revised by-laws are put before the members for a vote.  Thank you.

    Draft 3 BYLAWS:  Retired Members Round Table

    Article 1.  Name

    Section 1. The name of this Round Table is the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT), a round table of the American Library Association.

    Article 2.  Purpose:                                                                                                                            

    Section 1. The purpose of the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) shall be to develop programs of particular interest to retired members of ALA from all types of libraries and all forms of library service.  The purpose shall include opportunities for involvement in leadership training, networking including social functions, and mentoring to foster active engagement in the American Library Association and the profession of librarianship. 

    Article 3.  Membership and Dues

    Section 1.   Any member of the American Library Association may become a member of the Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) upon payment of ALA and RMRT dues.

    Section 2.  The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) includes Regular/Individual and Corporate/Organizational.

    Section 3.  Only individual members of RMRT are eligible to vote or to hold elective office/committee appointments.  Corporate/ organizational members shall be non-voting members.

    Section 4.  Dues shall be determined by the RMRT Executive Committee with the approval of a simple majority of the voting membership.

    Section 5.  The membership and conference years shall be the same as those of the American Library Association.

    Article 4.  Executive Committee              

    Section 1.   The Executive Committee shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the RMRT, governed by the policies of the ALA and the RMRT.

    Section 2.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Directors-at-Large and an Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect.

    Section 3.  Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote, except the Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer elect, who shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee, and the Chair, who shall vote only in the event of a tie vote of the Executive Committee.

    Section 4.  The Executive Committee shall report on its activities to the members of the Retired Members Round Table.

    Section 5.   The Executive Committee shall review these Bylaws annually.

    Section 6.  The Executive Committee of RMRT will meet at least two times per calendar year in person, virtually or a combination of both.

    Section 7.   All meetings of the Executive Committee of the Retired Members Round Table shall be open except for discussion affecting the privacy of individuals or institutions.

    Section 8.   A simple majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

    Article 5.  Terms and Length of Office

    Section 1.   The officers of the Retired Members Round Table shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.  All officers must be personal members in good standing of ALA and RMRT.

    Section 2.  The Chair shall chair the Executive Committee and shall preside at meetings of the Round Table.  The Chair shall appoint the Nominating Committee, to be chaired by the Immediate Past Chair, for the next election cycle.  The Chair shall identify actions of interest to the RMRT and recommend such actions to the Executive Committee.

    Section 3.  The Vice-Chair/Chair-elect will be elected for a three-year term and serves one year of the term as Vice-Chair, one year as Chair, and one year as Immediate Past Chair. The Vice-Chair/Chair-elect shall appoint the chair of each standing committee and members to fill vacancies in such committees, for terms beginning with his/her year as Chair, except the Nominating Committee.  If a vacancy occurs in the office of Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-elect will assume the duties of the Chair.

    Section 4.  The RMRT Secretary will be elected for a two-year term and shall be responsible for the general correspondence and reports of the Round Table and the minutes of Executive Committee and general membership meetings.  The Secretary, coordinating with the ALA staff liaison, shall arrange for preservation of the RMRT archives.

    Section 5.  The Treasurer shall review and approve all expenses, coordinating with the ALA staff liaison, and prepare reports and a proposed budget for each fiscal year. The Treasurer is responsible for training the Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect during the third year of the term.

    Section 6. The Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect will be elected for a three-year term and serves one year of that term as Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect (non-voting) and two years as Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect shall have no fiscal authority but be responsible for learning ALA and RMRT budget and report-writing policies and processes the first year.

    Section 6.  Directors-at-large will serve for two-year, staggered terms.  Directors shall be eligible for election to a second consecutive term.

    Article 6.  Committees

    Section 1.  The Executive Committee may establish and dissolve committees and /or working groups and prescribe their purpose and composition.  A working group serves until its task is accomplished to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee.

    Section 2.  All persons appointed to RMRT committees must be members in good standing of RMRT.

    Section 3.  Committee appointments are for two-year terms, renewable once, except for the initial appointments to a new committee which may be staggered.  Committee chairs are appointed for one-year terms from among the membership of the committee.  Committee chairs may be appointed for an additional one-year chairmanship.

    Section 4.   The Executive Committee may remove a Committee Chair if the Chair fails to carry out his/her duties as outlined in the RMRT Handbook,

    Section 5.  Committees shall maintain records of their proceedings and shall report on their activities at the annual meeting and at such other times as they may be directed to do so by the Chair.

    Section 6.  Appointments to vacancies to chair and to committee vacancies in standing committees are made by the RMRT Vice-Chair/Chair-elect.  Appointments to special committees and task forces are made by the Chair at the time the special committee or task force is created.


    Article 7.  Meetings

    Section 1.  RMRT must hold at least one meeting per year.

    Section 2. The annual meeting of the RMRT membership shall take place during the annual meeting of the American Library Association, and in the same locality.  Attendance may be in person, virtually or a combination of both.

    Section 3.  Special membership meetings may be called by the Executive Committee and shall be called by the Chair. At least a thirty (30) day notice shall be given and only business specified in the call to meeting shall be transacted.

    Section 4.  RMRT shall follow the same parliamentary authority as the American Library Association.

    Section 5.  All meetings of the of the Retired Members Round Table shall be open except for discussion affecting the privacy of individuals or institutions.

    Article 8.  Nominations and Elections

    Section 1.  Preceding the regular election of the American Library Association, the Nominating Committee Chair will submit a slate of one or more nominees for each office to be elected to the RMRT Executive Committee.  An individual not slated by the Nominating Committee may be nominated by petition of at least 25 members of RMRT.  All nominees, slated or petition, must consent in writing to the nomination.

    Section 2.  All nominees shall be members in good standing of the Retired Members Round Table and shall be members in good standing at time of election.

    Section 3.   In case of death, disability, or resignation of a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may appoint a successor, if succession is not otherwise provided, to serve until the next regular election.

    Article 9. Finances

    Section 1.  The budget (fiscal) year shall conform to the same as that of the American Library Association.

    Section 2.  The Treasurer shall make a financial report to the Executive Committee semi-annually and to the membership each year during the RMRT annual meeting.

    Article 10.  Amendments

    Section 1.  Amendments to the RMRT bylaws must follow ALA rules and requirements for amending round table bylaws.

    Section 2.  Amendments to the Bylaws shall be proposed in writing and may be introduced by the Executive Committee or by 25 members in good standing of RMRT to the Executive Committee.

    Section 3.  Printed notice of proposed amendments shall be communicated to the membership at least thirty (30) days and no longer than ninety (90) days before presentation of the amendments to the membership for ratification.

    Section 4.  The Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the entire voting membership, to be conducted by ballot according to current ALA procedure.

    Article 11.  Dissolution

    Section 1.  Upon dissolution of the Retired Members Round Table all assets derived from RMRT dues, products and services remain within the American Library Association.


    Ann Marie Pipkin
    RMRT Secretary
    RMRT Bylaws Revision Committee, Chair

    Ann Marie Pipkin
    RMRT Past Chair

  • 2.  RE: RMRT Revised Bylaws Draft 3

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 09:37 PM
    Ann Marie, I know from long experience how fraught ALA entity bylaws and their revisions can be.  

    Is there a copy of the RMRT bylaws marked up with the proposed revisions? Or are each of us to go through the original and this draft to compare them? Or is the draft you forwarded simply a standard draft, with RMRT inserted as appropriate?  IE, are there particular areas of concern to RTCA?  For instance, I was struck by the 2 year terms of the directors at large.  Other RTs currently have at varying numbers of at-large directors elected for varying terms--or none at all. The division with which I am most familiar, RUSA, has 3 year terms; ACRL has 4 year terms.   Or will all RTs and, I'd assume, divisions and sections be moved to identical bylaws?



    Pamela C. Sieving, MA, MS, AHIP (dist.)
    734 717-6006 (cell)

    1100 Teneighth Way
    Sacramento, California 95818

  • 3.  RE: RMRT Revised Bylaws Draft 3

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 10:48 PM
      |   view attached
    Pam, the RMRT committee decided not to do a markup as this was an extensive revision moving many things around in order to follow the ALA committee's template but still keeping the exact wording in most cases. https://www.dummies.com/careers/business-skills/roberts-rules-for-amending-bylaws/

    We are a small but robust RT and want to keep the bylaws short and simple. We took out repetitious language and added some sections to clarify where needed. 

    I cannot answer your last question, but you may be able to look at the ALA Revision Task Force Template for more direction. https://higherlogicdownload.s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/ALA/5a43012b-ac9f-4bb1-b09e-4ae02a00a8d0_file.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAVRDO7IEREB57R7MT&Expires=1624423462&Signature=muNnWFUIyDuZ7QcWRUHu9MaJvYA%3D


  • 4.  RE: RMRT Revised Bylaws Draft 3

    Posted Jun 23, 2021 03:14 PM
    This looks good to me! Thanks for your work on this project!